Тема: Обзор новинок 6 сезона Warcraft Rumble  (Прочитано 3257 раз)

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25 мая в Warcraft Rumble начнется 6 сезон, который принесет в игру множество новинок, включая рейд Огненные Недра, кооперативный режим "Осада Штормграда", гибридное заклинание "Земля и Луна", улучшения магазина и некоторые иные любопытные вещицы. Разработчики опубликовали серию заметок с обзором изменений и новшеств.:cut:
  • 29 мая в игре станет доступно совместное приключение для двух согильдийцев – "Осада Штормграда", в котором игрокам предстоит сразиться с Генералом Маркусом Джонатаном, Хозяйкой таверны Аллисон и Верховным лордом Болваром Фордрагоном для получения различных наград. Режим будет открыт для игры с 29 мая по 5 июня, а далее будет становиться доступным раз в три недели.
  • 5 июня в игре станет доступен рейд Огненные Недра, в котором двум игрокам предстоит сразиться с серией из 7 классических боссов и получить множество наград. В частности, за победу над заключительным боссом, Рагнаросом, его же дадут в качестве лидера. Первоначально рейд будет открыт с 5 по 12 июня, а далее будет становиться доступным раз в три недели.
  • С 29 мая в Трофейном сундуке, PvP или магазине игроки смогут отыскать новое гибридное заклинание "Земля и Луна", которое меняет свои свойства при розыгрыше кенарийской миниатюры – между "Звездопадом" со стихийным уроном и "Гневом деревьев" с обездвиживанием и эффектом яда.
  • С началом 6 сезона в игровой магазин будет внесено дополнительное разнообразие, в том числе новые одноразовые предложения для новичков и некоторые выбывшие старые наборы товаров.
  • 10 июля с началом 7 сезона в игре появится несколько новых кенарийских миниатюр, включая 2 лидеров и 3 отряда, для разблокировки которых потребуется посетить Лунную поляну.
Небольшой обзорный ролик c рассказом о новинках от старшего аниматора Кэрин Хуурник:

Claim Victory in Season 6 to Unlock New Rewards!

Season 6 of Warcraft Rumble is coming in HOT! Senior Animator, Carin Huurnink, is here to share details about what you can expect to see in Season 6 and a preview of what the team has been working on for Season 7.

Stormwind Siege

Are you ready to lay siege to the Alliance city of Stormwind in this co-op adventure? On May 29, you and a guildmate can battle against General Marcus Jonathan at the gates of Stormwind, challenge Innkeeper Allison at the Gilded Rose Inn, and throw hands with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Keep.

Claim victory over Stormwind by defeating Highlord Bolvar Fordragon to unlock the new Wildcard Slot.

[Learn More]

Molten Core Raid

If you skipped leg day, you’d have a Molten Core too! On June 5, grab a guildmate and dive into the warm and inviting lava pools of Molten Core. Battle against all the fearsome foes some may expect to see in Molten Core: Lucifron, Magmadar, Baron Geddon, and so many more! Defeat Ragnaros for the ultimate prize: Ragnaros as a Leader. Just because he’s mini doesn’t make him any less fearsome. Hopefully, your opponents are wearing their brown pants.

Not prepared to go toe to toe with the Firelord himself? Strengthen your army by defeating Lucifron and Magmadar in Wing 1 to unlock the new Boost Slot.

[Learn More]

New Mini and Emotes

Offense or defense – why not both? Use Earth and Moon, Warcraft Rumble's newest spell, to turn the tides of battle. Every time a Cenarion Mini is played, this hybrid spell will swap between Starfall for elemental damage or Entangling Roots for an area root that also applies poison.

Beginning May 29, Earth and Moon will be available in the guild War Chest, PvP, or three Store offers.

[Learn More]

Shop Updates

In Season 6 and beyond, we hope to continue diversifying the offers catalog seen in the Special Offers section, improve offer timing, and work towards more personally relevant content for each player. We’ve retired some of our recurring weekly offers this season and introduced two new zone offers.

[Learn More]

Season 7 Preview

On July 10, we will introduce more Cenarion Minis, two new Leaders, and three new Troops! Players can explore the serene and peaceful zone of Moonglade to unlock new rewards.

Recent Warcraft Rumble News
  • Check out the Season 6 Patch Notes for the latest changes.
  • Silas Darkmoon and his Darkmoon Faire started setting up their tent and offering marvelous prizes every other week.
  • When Darkmoon Faire is out of town, you can take on Blingtron’s Bounties. Complete challenges, earn Shinies, and exchange your Shines for rewards of your choice.
  • Faerie Dragon blinked into Rumble in Season 5 and will become available in the G.R.I.D for Season 6.
Stay on top of the latest Warcraft Rumble news on the official site and follow us on our social channels.[Источник]

Earn Powerful Rewards in Molten Core

Blackrock Mountain—the result of what is now widely considered a wrong move—was created when the Dark Iron dwarf Thaurissan summoned Ragnaros into Azeroth. Ragnaros promptly incinerated Thaurissan’s kingdom, creating what is now known as Blackrock Mountain.

Deep beneath the fiery surface of Blackrock Mountain lies a realm of nightmares known as Molten Core. This treacherous domain is home to searing creatures, born of fire and earth, including the most ferocious flamewakers, perilous elementals, and monstrous core hounds.

Any adventurer imprudent or brave enough to invade Ragnaros’ domain must defeat his searing dignitaries before taking on the Firelord, Lord of Flame, Master of all Elementals. You get the idea. You won’t need a raid entirely of warriors or Hydraxian water, just a guildmate and carefully crafted armies of your favorite Minis.

Raid Bosses: 7
Sigils Required: 90
Minimum Level:
  • Wing 1: 22 - 24
    • Lucifron
    • Magmadar
  • Wing 2: 24 - 26
    • Garr
    • Gehennas & Shazzrah
  • Wing 3: 26 - 28
    • Baron Geddon
    • Golemagg
  • Ragnaros: 28 - 30

Molten Core will be available from June 5 at 11 a.m. PDT to June 12 at 10:59 a.m.

Initial Schedule:
  • Siege
  • Raid
  • Off Week
Regular Schedule:
  • Siege
  • Off Week
  • Raid
  • Off Week
Raid Bosses and Lore


Wing 1

Lucifron, also known as Luci, but don’t let him hear you say that; otherwise, you may find yourself on the wrong side of his spear. He can be very cloak and dagger and is no stranger to conflict with fellow flamewakers, especially Gehennas. Lucifron quietly waits in the shadows of Molten Core for his opportunity to capitalize on any weakness to gain favor with the Firelord, Ragnaros. Any adventurer who dares challenge him will be met with an explosive show of power and fire elementals under his command.


Wing 1

A dog’s faithfulness for their human is unmatched; the same can be said for core hounds. Well, that and sometimes they just... won’t... die. Core hounds are faithful servants of the Firelord Ragnaros, led by the most terrifying and savage alpha, Magmadar. It is said that while Ragnaros was imprisoned in the Elemental Plane, the Firelord would feed his enemies to Magmadar, causing his strength to become uncontested. This gargantuan hound and his pack will fiercely protect the Firelord from uninvited guests.

It's not hard; just call or text before you come over.


Wing 2

Garr is one of two Chief Lieutenants under Ragnaros. He is a terrifying behemoth of an Earth Elemental with profound control over the earth around him. Foes shall quake in their boots if they find themselves before him.

He worked alongside Baron Geddon to ambush Thunderaan, the Windseeker, and imprison his essence in a talisman known as the Bindings of the Windseeker. Garr plays a vital role in protecting one-half of the talisman and will crush those who seek to reunite them. Did someone say, Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?


Wing 2

Ragnaros freed Gehennas, Shazzrah, and their fellow flamewakers from the Elemental Plane after Emperor Thaurissan summoned him to Azeroth. Gehennas seeks power and to rise above his fellow flamewakers. He is distrusted by all, except his two loyal guards, who hope to gain power and notoriety alongside Gehennas.

Shazzrah is the confidante, suriel of tea, or keeper of secrets and gossip within Molten Core. While his true intentions are veiled, he is aware that Baron Geddon suspects Garr of treachery and plans to capitalize when the opportunity arises. Shazzrah’s unmatched talent with arcane magic could spell doom for everyone if he ever manages to get both halves of the Talisman of Elemental Binding.

Prepare for double and make it trouble! No, that’s not right. This dastardly duo couldn’t be more different, but they have united upon a singular goal: to watch your Minis BURN!


Wing 3

The plotter and schemer award goes to none other than one of the eldest fire elementals, Baron Geddon. Once the right hand or hand of the lord Ragnaros, Geddon was demoted after being seen as weak during the war against the Titans. After being replaced by the “lowly” flamewaker Majordomo Executus, Geddon vowed to find a way to overthrow the majordomo and reclaim what is rightfully his.

Geddon orchestrated the betrayal of Thunderaan, the Windseeker, in a bid to win favor with the Firelord Ragnaros. With the help of Garr, they managed to isolate the air elemental from his allies, but their attempts to destroy him were in vain. Instead, they sealed him within the talisman known as the Bindings of the Windseeker. While victorious in his plot to rid the world of Thunderaan, Geddon did not regain his position next to his master. Instead, Ragnaros broke the talisman, tasking Geddon and Garr each to protect one half.

Geddon has his suspicions that Garr may covet both halves of the talisman. Could it be that the centuries of scheming have made Geddon paranoid? Is Garr planning a betrayal of his own? Is the floor actually lava? Find out on the next episode of, Am I the Drama?*

*This is not a real series.


Wing 3

What type of Stanley Snacks is Golemagg carrying that allow him to tame two powerful core ragers, descendants of the beast Magmadar? Golemagg is a proud pet parent, often calling his hounds to aid him in battle, but he is the most feared of the Firelord’s forces in Azeroth. Golemagg, the Incinerator, is a brutally powerful molten giant who will immolate anyone who crosses his path.


Final Boss

Ragnaros, this season's Black Diamond, can often be found steeping in the warm and inviting lava pools of Molten Core. Any adventurer imprudent or brave enough to interrupt Ragnaros must be prepared to rip it, roll it, and punch it through flaming waves of magma and dodge Sulfuras better than the Majordomo. Sulfuras Splash!



Diamond Slot

Use Valor to upgrade a Gold Army Slot to Diamond. Diamond Army Slots will grant +4 levels to a Mini.


100 Valor


100 Valor

Clear Wing 1

Boost Slot

Boost Slots increase the base XP of any Mini placed there to level 20, this is the max level a Mini can reach via XP only. An additional 10 levels can be obtained from unlocking talents (+3), increasing the Mini’s rarity (+4), and having them in the correct Gold army slot (+3). The addition of Diamond Slots (+4) will increase the total level that a Mini can reach to 31.


100 Valor

Gehennas & Shazzrah

100 Valor

Clear Wing 2

Mythic Tome

Baron Geddon

100 Valor


100 Valor

Clear Wing 3

Legendary Core


Ragnaros as a Leader

Ragnaros isn’t like any other Leader, he’s the first completely stationary Mini. When played he will take over the player’s nearest tower or base, serving as a shield that must be killed before the tower can be damaged.
  • Role: Leader
  • Family: Blackrock
  • Deploy Cost: 5 Gold
  • Traits: Tank, AOE, Elemental, Braze, Blast Wave
  • Health: 2,000
Leader Ability
  • Molten Armor: Armored allies deal a small amount of damage back to their attackers.
  • Wrath: Ragnaros performs an AOE swing, dealing damage to nearby enemies within extended melee range and taunting enemies in a large area. This attack does not damage fliers.
New Traits
  • Braze: Attach to the nearest allied Tower or Base, shielding it.
  • Blast Wave: While in play, replace this Mini in your deck with the Blast Wave spell: Burn and knock back enemies near buildings.
  • Concussive Blast: Blast Wave leaves enemies stunned for 2 seconds.
  • Radiant Flames: Buildings you control periodically damage nearby enemies.
  • Son of Flame: At 50% health, summon a Fire Elemental that lasts 15 seconds.
Players will ONLY receive rewards themselves for clearing raid battles for the first time, once per raid cycle rotation. Players can re-clear raid fights within the same cycle up to two additional times to help fellow guildmates, though they themselves will not earn duplicate rewards. Earnable rewards will refresh when the Molten Core Raid returns in a few weeks.

Learn more about Season 6 and get a preview into Season 7 in our latest article.

Stay on top of the latest Warcraft Rumble news on the official site and follow us on our social channels.

Get Ready to lay Siege to Stormwind!

Established well over a thousand years ago, Stormwind is the beating heart of the Alliance and a significant part of Azeroth’s history. Stormwind is known for its distinctive white stone walls and different roofing materials, which stand out from the others in each district.

On May 29, you and a guildmate can battle against General Marcus Jonathan at the gates of Stormwind, challenge Innkeeper Allison at the Gilded Rose Inn, and throw hands with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Keep.

Siege Bosses: 3
Sigils Required: 90
Maximum Level: 22*
Minimum Level:
  • General Marcus Jonathan: 17 - 18
  • Innkeeper Allison: 18 - 19
  • Highlord Bolvar Fordragon: 19 - 20
*Players above level 22 will be synced down.


Stormwind Siege will be available from May 29 at 11 a.m. PDT to June 5 at 10:59 a.m.

Initial Schedule:
  • Siege
  • Raid
  • Off Week
Regular Schedule:
  • Siege
  • Off Week
  • Raid
  • Off Week
Siege Bosses


Marcus Jonathan is a general of Stormwind City and High Commander of Stormwind Defense. He can be found sitting atop his mighty steed at the gates of Stormwind. He will do anything to ensure that all who march through the gates can do so in peace.

He became aware of a possible incoming threat to Stormwind. In response, he set up barricades and has reinforcements at the ready.


Innkeeper Allison is beloved among the patrons of Stormwind City. She is known for her hospitality, refreshing drinks, and holiday spirit. Don’t underestimate her; she will use everything in her grasp to protect Stormwind.


The venerated paladin, Bolvar Fordragon, is a trusted protector of Stormwind City and the royal family. Bolvar will use the truth and virtue of the Light to defend Stormwind Keep against those who wish to do harm.



Use Valor to upgrade a Gold Army Slot to Diamond. Diamond Army Slots will grant +4 levels to a Mini.

General Marcus Jonathan

200 Valor

Innkeeper Allison

Mega Leader Tome

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon

Wildcard Slot

The Wildcard Slot will affect the third slot of a Leader’s army and allows any Mini placed there to activate the trait bonus for additional levels.

Players will ONLY receive rewards themselves for clearing raid battles for the first time, once per raid cycle rotation. Players can re-clear raid fights within the same cycle up to two additional times to help fellow guildmates, though they themselves will not earn duplicate rewards. Earnable rewards will refresh when the Molten Core Raid returns in a few weeks.

Learn more about Season 6 and get a preview into Season 7 in our latest article.

Stay on top of the latest Warcraft Rumble news on the official site and follow us on our social channels.[Источник]

Turn the Tides of Battle with Earth and Moon

Offense or defense – why not both? Use Earth and Moon, Warcraft Rumble’s newest spell to turn the tides of battle. Every time a Cenarion Mini is played, this hybrid spell will swap between Starfall for elemental damage or Entangling Roots for an area root that also applies poison.

Earth and Moon won't be available in the G.R.I.D until Season 7, but don't worry; you can add it to your collection of Minis through the guild War Chest, PvP, or three Store offers—one at season start, one mid-season, and another at the end of the season.

  • Name: Earth and Moon
  • Family: Cenarion
  • Starfall Deploy Cost: 6 Gold
  • Entangling Roots Deploy Cost: 3 Gold
  • Traits: AOE, Elemental, Poisonous, Earth and Moon
New Trait
  • Earth and Moon: Change forms whenever a Cenarion Mini is played.

Starfall lasts 25% longer.

Nature's Grace
Entangling Roots also grants Resist to allies for 10 seconds.

Can be cast a second time.

New Emotes

The Orc Grunt emote will be available in the Guild War Chest and the Banana Mini Gun emote is earnable through PvP at 12,000 Honor.

Molten Core Raid and Stormwind Siege

Prepare to battle Ragnaros in Molten Core and claim victory in the Siege of Stormwind—unlock Ragnaros as a Leader, new army Upgrade Slots, and more!

Season Schedule

May 26 – June 1, 2024

Family: Alliance
Dungeon: Deadmines

  • Tower: Dragon Tower
  • Enchant: Adrenaline Rush
  • Modifier: Clean Fight
Arclight Surge

Tirion / CairneTirion / CairneTirion / CairneGrom / MurkeyeGrom / MurkeyeGrom / Murkeye
Sappertime!Sappertime!BloodsportBloodsportBloodsportDragon’s Hoard

June 2 – June 8, 2024

Family: Horde
Dungeon: Gnomeregan

  • Tower: Dragon Tower
  • Enchant: Adrenaline Rush
  • Modifier: Bounty Hunt
Arclight Surge

Hogger / MaievHogger / MaievHogger / MaievTirion / ThalnosTirion / ThalnosTirion / Thalnos
Dragon’s HoardDragon’s HoardDing!Ding!Ding!Towers of Power

June 9 – June 15, 2024

Family: Blackrock
Dungeon: Blackfathom Deeps

  • Tower: Dragon Tower
  • Enchant: Collateral Damage
  • Modifier: Bounty Hunt
Arclight Surge

Thalnos / CharlgaThalnos / CharlgaThalnos / CharlgaMurkeye / DrakkisathMurkeye / DrakkisathMurkeye / Drakkisath
Towers of PowerTowers of PowerOverclockedOverclockedOverclockedGlass Cannons

June 16 – June 22, 2024

Family: Undead
Dungeon: Diremaul

  • Tower: Rocket Tower
  • Enchant: Collateral Damage
  • Modifier: Bounty Hunt
Arclight Surge

Rend / ThalnosRend / ThalnosRend / ThalnosBaron / GromBaron / GromBaron / Grom
Glass CannonsGlass CannonsGilded ArmamentsGilded ArmamentsGilded ArmamentsSappertime!

June 23 – June 29, 2024

Family: Beast
Dungeon: Deadmines

  • Tower: Rocket Tower
  • Enchant: Collateral Damage
  • Modifier: First Strike
Arclight Surge

Sneed / DrakkisathSneed / DrakkisathSneed / DrakkisathDrakkisath / JainaDrakkisath / JainaDrakkisath / Jaina
Sappertime!Sappertime!BloodsportBloodsportBloodsportDragon’s Hoard

June 30 – July 6, 2024

Family: Alliance
Dungeon: Gnomeregan

  • Tower: Rocket Tower
  • Enchant: Hero’s Resolve
  • Modifier: First Strike
Arclight Surge

Tirion / GromTirion / GromTirion / GromCairne / CharlgaCairne / CharlgaCairne / Charlga
Dragon’s HoardDragon’s HoardDing!Gilded ArmamentsGilded ArmamentsTowers of Power

July 7 – July 13, 2024

Family: Horde
Dungeon: Blackfathom Deeps

  • Tower: Guard Tower
  • Enchant: Hero’s Resolve
  • Modifier: First Strike
Arclight Surge

Jaina / CairneJaina / CairneJaina / CairneGrom / HoggerGrom / HoggerGrom / Hogger
Towers of PowerTowers of PowerGilded ArmamentsGilded ArmamentsGilded ArmamentsSappertime!

Learn more about Season 6 and get a preview into Season 7 in our latest article.

Get ready to find new comps and synergies between your Minis and embrace the action-packed fun of Warcraft Rumble, before Season 6 makes like a Defias Bandit and sneaks up on you. Stay on top of the latest Warcraft Rumble news on the official site and follow us on our social channels.[Источник]

Shop Updates Coming to Season 6

Starting with Season 5, you may have noticed some changes to the offers available and timing of the Special Offers section.

In Season 6 and beyond, we hope to continue diversifying this section's offers catalog and work towards more relevant content for players.

New Zone Offers

Periodically, we’ll introduce additional one-time zone offers tailored to the new player experience. When this occurs, all existing players who’ve already met the unlock requirements will also have a chance to purchase the offer.

The Barren’s Bounty*

2 Uncommon Minis, one will be from your equipped army**
2 Major XP Boosts
1000 Coins

Darkshore Spoils*

1 Rare Mini from your equipped army**
1 Major XP Boost
1200 Coins

Retiring Offers

We will be retiring some recurring weekly offers with the start of Season 6. These offers will be available* until May 30, 2024.
  • Tinkerer’s, Sapper’s and others in this series.
  • Bilgewater Bounty
  • Steelgrill's Stockpile
  • Gadgetzan’s Grandeur
There is a chance we will look into reintroducing these offers in a different section in the future.

Learn more about Season 6 and get a preview into Season 7 in our latest article.

*Certain products are not available until progression minimum requirements have been met.
**Mini will be catered towards the equipped army at time of purchase.

Stay on top of the latest Warcraft Rumble news on the official site and follow us on our social channels.[Источник]
« Последнее редактирование: 15 Мая, 2024, 21:34:46 by Wishko »


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Re: Обзор новинок 6 сезона Warcraft Rumble
« Ответ #1 : 15 Мая, 2024, 20:29:35 »
  • Рейтинг:0 (+0 | 0)
чтото не то с оформлением


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  • Варкрафт: +
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    • Сервер: Седогрив
Re: Обзор новинок 6 сезона Warcraft Rumble
« Ответ #2 : 15 Мая, 2024, 20:30:50 »
  • Рейтинг:-3 (+0 | -3)
теперь все точно узнают о том, что происходит в этой мертворожденной игре


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Re: Обзор новинок 6 сезона Warcraft Rumble
« Ответ #3 : 15 Мая, 2024, 21:33:45 »
  • Рейтинг:0 (+0 | 0)
теперь все точно узнают о том, что происходит в этой мертворожденной игре

пруфы что она мертвая

