Тема: Комментарии разработчиков об изменениях классов в альфа-версии Dragonflight – 25 августа  (Прочитано 5544 раз)

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Разработчики продолжают вовсю трудиться над деревьями талантов и способностями классов в альфа-версии Dragonflight, и перед выходными опубликовали серию сообщений об уже введенных или только планируемых для грядущей сборки корректировках. В первую очередь изменениям подверглись воины, чернокнижники, маги, охотники, рыцари смерти и охотники на демонов.:cut:
  • В этой сборке охотники на демонов для тестирования получили две ветки талантов: основную классовую для "Истребления". В классовое древо вошли знакомые ситуативные и защитные таланты под каждую специализацию, что позволят игрокам создать сборки, подходящие под их вкусы и проходимый ими контент. В древо "Истребления" вошел ряд старых и современных талантов с некоторыми новыми или переработанными талантами, что откроют разные типы игрового процесса. Работа над древом "Мести" идет и оно станет доступно для тестирования в будущем.
  • В будущей сборке "Планирование" будет удалено из списка активирующих "Импульс" способностей охотников на демонов. Разработчики пробовали ввести его, но отзывы игроков были в основном негативные, так что от этой идеи было решено отказаться.
  • В следующей сборке основное древо рыцарей смерти станет более вариативным, для чего разработчики сделают часть талантов базовыми умениями, а часть, которые являются проблемными в плане адекватной экономии ресурсов специализаций, будут удалены. Древо "Крови" получит серьезные изменения: новые связи, изменения для текущих и 6 новых талантов, а все таланты с 3 рангами будут сокращены до 2. В древе "Нечестивости" будут изменены те таланты, что затрагивают восполнение ресурсов; также появится несколько новых талантов.
  • В этой сборке охотники получили множество балансировочных изменений для талантов всех деревьев, а также исправления проблем с некорректно работавшими ранее талантами.
  • В этой сборке воины, чернокнижники, маги получили огромное количество в основном балансировочных изменений для всех деревьев.
  • В этой сборке менее объемные корректировки получили шаманы, монахи, пробудители.
Вот все оригинальные сообщения разработчиков целиком:

Feedback: Demon Hunters

After 10,000 years… today’s build includes early versions of Demon Hunter’s class and Havoc talent trees.

The class tree houses many of the familiar utility and defensive abilities associated with each spec and arranges them in spec-themed sections to the left (including modifiers to Fury and movement speed) and right (including Brands and options to empower them), with shared damage bonuses centered (including The Hunt and modifiers to Metamorphosis). We hope to see players take advantage of the new talent system to make choices that match their preferences, that can be tailored to meet the challenges they will face, and that create new gameplay opportunities by combining effects in ways not previously possible.

The Havoc tree takes abilities from the spec’s past and present, then puts them alongside reworked and all-new talents to provide multiple gameplay and damage output styles to invest in. Notable among them are talents that provide incentives for secondary stats like Critical Strike Chance and Mastery, as well as talents that grant significant bonuses to the skills of your choice like Chaos Strike, Eye Beam, and Immolation Aura. We hope the new trees provide opportunities to make talent builds that feel custom and distinct.

While we’re still working on the Vengeance specialization, we wanted to bring the Class & Havoc trees online so we can get community feedback as early as possible. The Vengeance tree currently in this week’s Alpha is the existing Shadowlands’ talent tree, in addition to containing all of their other abilities. This is placeholder and not indicative of their final tree, and we will be bringing the Vengeance tree online as soon as its ready. Regardless of whether you’re checking out these Demon Hunter class and Havoc talents online or trying them out in the Alpha, we hope you’ll enjoy and share your thoughts with us!
  • Known Issues
    • There are several talents that are not fully implemented yet. These are tagged with NYI (Not Yet Implemented) in their Talent name.

Glide is indeed intended to trigger Momentum’s effect.

That said, the duration of Momentum’s effect is currently stacking like it does on live realms and that’s unintended. It will be changed to be a refresh in a future update.

TLDR - Glide will be removed as one of Momentum’s trigger skills in a future update.

Thank you to those willing to discuss Glide’s inclusion as a potential trigger for Momentum. While we knew it could be a controversial addition, player discussion around the topic has helped paint a clearer picture of the ways in which it could be fun and also the ways in which it could cause problems or frustration. Most reactions to Glide on Momentum were negative, and ultimately we agree that the downsides would probably outweigh the benefits and Glide will be removed as a potential trigger skill.

Momentum has historically been very divisive, with many players strongly loving or hating it. A talent tree is an ideal system for such an ability to exist, as an option. With that in mind, a capstone position puts a greater emphasis on Momentum than it should have, and so Momentum will be swapping positions with Essence Break. Essence Break will be modified in a way to further emphasize its intended identity as a medium cooldown controlled burst option.

Your continued feedback on Demon Hunters in the Alpha test is greatly appreciated and helps guide future iteration. Cheers.

We agree to the extent that a 2nd charge of Fel Rush (and for Vengeance, Infernal Strike) should be more easily accessible than in its current position on the Havoc spec tree, and so the talent Hot Feet will be moving to the class tree in the first row center position where the talent ‘Master of the Glaive’ is now.

Master of the Glaive’s effect will be combined back into the talent ‘Debilitating Cuts’ and renamed back to ‘Master of the Glaive,’ matching the Shadowlands talent version.

A new talent modifying Throw Glaive will be taking its place, the details of which will be available in a future build.

While on the topic of talent placement and what talents go where, we’ve been following discussions and planning changes. Instead of responding to every current related comment, you can refer to the below image to see what Havoc’s tree is likely to look in the next update:

We really do appreciate your continued play, discussion, and feedback, and we hope you will continue to share it with us as we move forward. Cheers.[Источник]

Feedback: Death Knights

In the next alpha build the Death Knight core tree is being updated to better increase talent choice. In order to do this, we’ve made several abilities baseline and cut talents that were proving to be problematic for the overall health of the resource economy for the specs. The left side of the class tree had 4 talents all dedicated to resources, which felt a little excessive. This has been reduced 2 (specifics noted below). In addition to the resource talents being shifted around, we’ve also made Death’s Advance and Lichborne baseline.*

Death’s Advance
  • This has moved baseline and is now learned at level 9.
  • This has moved baseline and is now learned at level 9.
Unholy Endurance
  • Now positioned where Lichborne was previously located in the talent tree.
New Talent – March of Darkness: Death’s Advance grants additional movement speed.
  • Now positioned where Death’s Advance was previously located in the talent tree.
Horn of Winter
  • Cut from the class tree.
  • This will return as a Frost talent in a future build.
New Talent – Insidious Chill: Your auto-attacks reduce the target’s auto-attack speed by 5% for 30 seconds, stacking up to 4 times.
  • Positioned where Horn of Winter was located
Runic Corruption and Runic Empowerment
  • This choice node has been cut.
  • These two talents will be returning to their respective specs baseline (Unholy – Runic Corruption and Frost - Runic Empowerment)
Runic Attenuation
  • Now positioned where the Runic Corruption/Runic Empowerment node was located.
New Talent – Gloom Ward: Absorbs are 15% more effective on you.


In the next alpha build, Blood tree has undergone significant changes including updates to pathing, new connections, 6 new talents, updated existing talents, and 3 max rank talents have been reduced to 2 max ranks. Due to the sheer amount of changes to the talent tree we will just highlight some of the bigger changes to the tree below.

Blood Boil
  • Now has 2 charges, up from 1.
Improved Blood Boil
  • Cut
Rune Tap
  • Now has 2 charges, up from 1.
Improved Heart Strike
  • Reduced to 2 max ranks, down from 3.
  • Damage per rank increased to 15%, up from 10%.
Blood Fortification
  • Cut from the talent tree
  • Now learned at level 11.
Everlasting Bond
  • Death Strike and Heart Strike no longer increase the duration of Dancing Rune Weapon while its active.
  • Now increases the duration of Dancing Rune Weapon by 8 seconds.
    • While the act of extending your Dancing Rune Weapon with Heart Strike and Death Strike can be fun, it quickly can overshadow the rest of Blood’s gameplay decisions. In order to address this, we will change Everlasting Bond to be a flat duration increase in addition to its existing mechanic of summoning one extra copy of Dancing Rune Weapon. Our goal here is to open up more options throughout the tree as well as avoid making one style of gameplay feel mandatory permanently moving forward.
Improved Boneshield
  • Reduced to 1 max rank, down from 2.
  • Now increases Haste by 10% while Bone Shield is active.
Vampiric Blood
  • Now available above the first gate, directly below Marrowrend.
Dancing Rune Weapon
  • This has moved higher into the tree and is available immediately after unlocking the 1st gate.
  • Max ranks reduced to 1, down from 2.
Hasty Bargain
  • Renamed to Perseverance of the Ebon Blade
  • Now grants 3/6% Versatility instead of Haste when Crimson Scourge is consumed.
  • No longer a choice node with Blood Worms
  • No longer a choice node with Voracious
Gorefiend’s Grasp
  • Now centrally located within the tree with multiple pathing options to reach it.
Tightening Grasp
  • Can now only be obtained directly after Gorefiend’s Grasp
  • Max ranks reduced to 1, down from 2.
  • Max ranks reduced to 1, down from 2.
New Talent - Blood Feast: Anti-Magic Shell heals you for 100% of the damage it absorbs.
New Talent – Iron Heart: Blood Shield’s duration is increased by 2 seconds and it absorbs 20% more damage.
New Talent – Bloodshot: While Blood Shield is active, you deal 25% increased Physical damage.
New Talent – Sanguine Ground: You deal 5% more damage and receive 5% more healing while standing in your Death and Decay.
New Talent – Coagulopathy: Enemies affected by Blood Plague take 5% increased damage from you and Death Strike increases the damage of your Blood Plague by 25% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
New Talent – Umbilicus Eternus: After Vampiric Blood expires, you absorb damage equal to 5 times the damage your Blood Plague dealt during Vampiric Blood.
Unquenchable Thirst
  • This has been cut.
  • Dev Commentary: This talent has been cut and replaced with Umbilicus Eternus. Unquenchable Thirst had a bit of design overlap with both Bonestorm and Shattering Bone on the opposite side of the tree. The choice to replace it was done to add what we hope is a more interesting decision point as you navigate toward the capstones especially factoring in the synergy of the new Blood Plague talents and existing Vampiric Blood talents.
Updated Blood Tree


In addition to Unholy’s latest changes we have a few updates we’d like to make to their talents that affect resource generation. The changes to the class tree should be a step in the right direction for better balancing Unholy’s resource economy, but we also want to target a few Unholy specific talents as well. Unholy has been a class with a higher downtime and while we think some downtime can be okay, it’s important to find a balance between too high and too low. The current alpha version swung that pendulum too far in one direction and we are looking to find a better middle ground that both feels fun and rewarding to play. Resource tuning will continue to be on going as we head into Dragonflight. As mentioned last week we are making efforts to prepare for tuning in Dragonflight as such Unholy will be receiving a few tuning tweaks to their talents.

  • Disease damage now ticks 100% more quickly, down from 150%.
Feasting Strikes
  • Removed Scourge Strike’s chance to refund 1 rune
  • Chance to proc increased to 20%
    • Having both Festering Strike and Scourge Strike trigger a Rune refund left us very little room to tune around and also made this something that just always happened. In an effort to give us more ways to tune this and also add a little more gameplay thought we are changing this to only work on Festering Strike.
Replenishing Wound
  • Reduce Runic Power gained from popping a Festering Wound to 2, down from 3.
Improved Death Coil
  • Damage increase reduced to 15/30%, down from 20/40%.
  • Cooldown increased to 90s, up from 45s
  • Status changed to implemented
Unholy Assault
  • Buff duration increased to 20 seconds, up from 12 seconds.
Ghoulish Frenzy
  • Attack speed and damage increased to 6/12% up from 4/8%.
  • Damage per disease reduced to 2% down from 3% at rank 2.
Death Rot
  • Reduced to 1% per stack up to 10%, down from 2/20%.
  • Increased the duration to 10 seconds, up from 8 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug preventing this from being applied by multiple Death Knights.
Commander of the Dead
  • Damage to Gargoyle and Army Ghouls reduced to 30%, down from 40%.

Feedback: Hunters

Complete list of Hunter changes in today’s update:
  • Class Tree
    • Survival Hunters: Corrected a missing connection between Kill Command and Improved Mend Pet on the class tree.
    • Alpha Predator’s value has been lowered to 15% (was 30%).
    • Improved Traps now also lowers the cooldown of Hi-Explosive Trap.
    • Stampede now snares targets hit by 30%, and you and your pets gain 10% increased critical strike chance against targets hit by your Stampede.
    • Hunter’s Agility is once again Avoidance.
    • Camouflage no longer links directly to Improved Traps. The choice node below Survival of the Fittest now links to Born to be Wild.
    • New Talent: Serrated Shots – Serpent Sting and your bleed damage is increased by 10/20% damage. This value increases to 20/40% against targets below 30% HP.
    • New Talent: Arctic Bola – Aimed Shot/Cobra Shot/Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite have a chance to fling a bola out at your target that bounces 2/4 times and deals increased damage per point. Targets struck by the bola are snared by 20% for 3 seconds.
  • Beast Mastery
    • The top of the Beast Mastery tree has been shuffled around a bit, and now starts with Cobra Shot rather than Barbed Shot.
    • Barbed Shot damage has been increased by 75%.
    • Loaded Quiver has been removed. Barbed Shot is now always 2 charges.
    • Barbed Wrath is now 1 point (was 2) and it no longer affects Aspect of the Wild.
    • Wild Call has been reduced to 1 rank.
    • Call of the Wild cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes.
    • The Bloody Frenzy that adjusted Barbed Shot Frenzy stack generation has been removed.
    • New Talent: Brutal Companion – When Barbed Shot causes a 3rd stack of Frenzy, your pet automatically uses their special attack (Bite/Claw/Smack) with increased damage.
    • Aspect of the Wild has been redesigned – Aspect of the Wild now fires a Cobra Shot at your target and another nearby target. While Aspect of the Wild is active, Cobra Shot’s Focus cost is reduced by 10, and each Cobra Shot fires a Second Cobra Shot at a nearby target.
    • New choice node below Aspect of the Wild:
      • Each temporary beast summoned reduces the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 5 seconds.
      • Cobra Shot damage increased by 30% while Aspect of the Wild is active.
    • Several talents shifted around past the first gate due to the above changes, but the tree’s structure is very similar.
  • Marksmanship
    • Dead Eye now also reduces the cooldown of Kill Shot.
    • Windrunner’s Guidance has been lowered to 25% critical strike damage bonus.
    • New choice node below Wailing Arrow:
      • Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and grants a charge of Aimed Shot.
      • Wailing Arrow now fires 5 wind arrows at your primary target, and up to 10 split between any secondary targets.
    • Crack Shot lowered to a 1-point talent.
    • Calling the Shots and Eagletalon’s True Focus have swapped spots.
  • Survival
    • Coordinated Assault, Spearhead, and related talents should be working.
    • Explosive Expert tooltip updated, it has no interaction with Kill Shot and is just some cooldown reduction to Wildfire Bombs.
    • Birds of Prey has been redesigned – Kill Shot now strikes up to 3 extra targets while Coordinated Assault is active.
    • New choice node against Birds of Prey: Bombardier – The cooldown of Wildfire Bombs is reset when Coordinated Assault is activated, and when it fades.
    • Guerilla Tactics increases the initial damage of Wildfire Bombs by 50% (was 100%).
    • Fury of the Eagle once again grants 50% critical strike chance against targets below 20% HP.
    • Ruthless Marauder increases the HP threshold for increases critical strikes by 5% per rank rather than increasing critical strike chance.

Feels like there are too few choices here.

This is likely a bug, the 8-point gate should still be after the 4th row, not after the 3rd row. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Correct, that should be adding 5% increased health threshold per rank, not 15%.[Источник]

Feedback: Warriors

Today’s Alpha update included substantial changes for Warriors:
  • General Developer Notes
    • Warrior has undergone a tuning pass to bring it more in line with the other classes.
    • This week we’ve experimented a bit more with the Warrior class tree, trying to build in more flexibility and choices throughout the middle of the tree. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this comparative to previous weeks.
    • Stances – No update here, still working on some ideas on our end.
    • We’re experimenting with nodes specific to specs within the Warrior class tree. So, for example, War Machine has different values per spec, this gives us better control of balance and grants more tools to enhance what makes each specialization unique.
    • Signet of Tormented Kings - We’ve added four new nodes in place of Signet, two for Arms and two for Fury and Protection will get its own variants in a future update. These are not final but we’re feeling good about the general approach and would like to hear your feedback on these new talents.
    • Added a few placeholder nodes where there will be new choices in the future to give players an idea of what the complete tree will look like.
    • We’ve had a couple of weeks of big updates for Warriors and want to set expectations that next week’s update will be light.
  • Class Tree
    • Changed some pathing and node positions to allow for more flexible choices.
    • Cruel Strikes now grants 1.5% Critical Strike chance per rank. This will be changed in a future build.
    • Quick Thinking now grants 1.5% Haste per rank. This will be changed in a future build
    • Reinforced Plates now increases your armor by 15% per rank (was 30% of your Strength).
    • Removed Dauntless Duelist from the talent tree.
    • Frothing Berserker now applies to only Rampage, Mortal Strike, Cleave and Revenge.
    • Overwhelming rage is now 2 ranks that grant 15 max rage each.
    • Crushing Force is now 2 ranks and grants 30% damage and 7.5% crit chance to Slam per rank.
    • Removed Signet of Tormented Kings.
    • New Fury Talent: Memory of a Tormented Berserker – Activating Avatar or Recklessness casts the other at reduced effectiveness. Effects lasts 4 seconds.
    • New Fury Talent: Memory of a Tormented Titan – Activating Avatar or Reckless casts Odyn’s Fury at reduced effectiveness. Effects last 4 seconds.
    • New Fury Talent: Memory of a Tormented Warlord – Activating Avatar or Thunderous Roar casts Recklessness at reduced effectiveness.
    • New Arms Talent: Memory of a Tormented Blademaster – Activating Avatar or Bladestorm the other at reduced effectiveness. Effects last 4 seconds.
    • War Machine is now split into different versions per spec to allow for different values for each.
    • Massacre now adds 5% to execute range rather than 15% for Arms and Protection to allow for more execute modifiers.
    • Massacred now reduces the cooldown of Execute for Fury by 1.5 seconds.
    • Avatar now generates 20 rage.
    • Elysian Might should now correctly work outside of the Shadowlands.
    • Shattering Throw is now a choice node so players can choose between the existing immunity break ability and a lower cooldown variant that is instant but no longer breaks immunities.
    • Honed Reflexes changed to reduce cooldowns by 0.5 seconds rather than 1 second.
    • Two-Handed Weapon Specialization now grants 5% increased damage (was 10%).
    • Dual Wield Specialization now grants 5% increased damage (was 10%).
    • One-Handed Weapon Specialization now grants 5% increased damage (was 10%).
    • Armored to the Teeth now grants Strength equal to 3.5% of your Armor.
    • Furious Blows has been redesigned to now give 5% auto attack speed.
  • Arms Developer Notes
    • We did a lot of work this week on rage generation, we want this to feel a bit different that it does in the current live game, we generally don’t want you to feel rage starved but we also don’t want you to be overflowing with it. So, we’ve taken steps to ramp down how much rage you are obtaining while still trying to allow you to use your abilities when you want and need.
    • We’re still planning to put some more time into the central branch of the tree which is still a bit sparse.
    • We’ve also added some placeholder nodes to the Bladestorm choices to give players an idea of what’s to come.
  • Arms
    • Mortal Strike damage reduced to 174% of attack power to allow for talents modifying it (was 194%).
    • Sharpened Blades now deals 10% increased critical damage and increases Execute’s chance to crit by 5%.
    • Sharpened Blades now only effects the critical damage of Mortal Strike and Execute.
    • Impale now grants 7.5% increased critical damage per rank instead of 10%.
    • Exploit the Weakness modifies Tactician by 1% (was 1.6%).
    • Battlelord – Rage reduction changed to 10 (was 15) and now a 30% chance to reset Mortal Strike.
    • Lowered the chance for Bloodsurge to trigger to 10% (was 25%).
    • Bloodborne now grants 7.5% increased bleed damage per rank.
    • Bloodletting now increases the duration of your bleeds by 3 seconds and increases critical strike chance of bleeds by 5%.
    • Sudden Death procs are no longer free and now cost rage.
    • Chance to trigger Sudden Death reduced slightly.
    • Overpower reduced to 97% of attack power to allow for talents modifying it (was 117%).
    • Dreadnaught damage reduced to 31% of attack power (was 46%).
    • Execute’s damage has been reduced to 132% attack power to allow for talents that improve it (was 170%).
    • Rend reduced to 115% of attack power to allow for talents that improve it (was 133%).
    • Deft Experience – Now increases Mastery by 1.5% and also increases the damage of Rend’s initial strike by 50% per rank.
    • Valor in Victory – Increases Versatility by 1.5% and now reduces the cooldown of Die by the Sword by 15 seconds per rank.
    • Critical Thinking – Now increases critical strike chance by 1.5% and now also increases the critical strike damage of Whirlwind and Cleave by 10% per rank.
  • Fury Developer Notes
    • As a result of our tuning pass using two-handed and one-handed weapon builds should now have more similar damage numbers.
    • We’re not happy with Cadence of Fujieda as it is sharing a very similar space with Frenzy and we’re looking at other designs which would probably bring Frenzy back up to four stacks.
    • We’ve also added some placeholder nodes to a few places to give players an idea of what’s to come.
    • We are experimenting internally with the idea of letting the auto attack / Annihilator build not be weapon type specific.
  • Fury
    • Added some pathing and moved some nodes to make for more flexible options.
    • Slaughtering Strikes now grants 10% damage per stack for Raging blow and 3% per stack from Annihilator.
    • Deft Experience now gives 1.5% Mastery per rank, and also reduces the cooldown of Bloodthirst by 0.5 seconds per rank.
    • Swift Strikes now grants 1.5% Haste per rank (was 2% per rank).
    • Critical Thinking now grants 1.5% Critical Strike Chance per rank (was 2% per rank).
    • Depths of Insanity now makes Recklessness lasts 4 seconds longer (was 5 seconds).
    • Dual Wield Specialization now grants 5% increased damage (was 10%).
    • Deafening Crash now increases the duration of Siegebreaker by 2 seconds (was 3 seconds) and increases the critical strike chance of Raging Blow by 5% (was 10%).
    • Cruelty is now 2 ranks and grants 10% increased damage and a 15% chance to reset its own cooldown during enrage, per rank.
    • Frenzy now stacks up to 3 times (was 4).
    • Unbridled Ferocity now works correctly with Reckless Abandon.
    • Odyn’s Fury is now correctly improved by various damage modifiers.
    • Ravager cooldown is now correctly 90 seconds.
    • Gushing wound damage increased to 20% of attack power (was 10%).
  • Protection Developer Notes
    • We’ll be putting more focus on the Protection tree in the coming weeks, so for now there aren’t large changes in this week’s build.
    • We’re looking at doing a tuning pass for Protection in the future both in terms of survivability and DPS output.
  • Protection
    • Battle-Scared Veterans are no longer scared. They are now Battle-Scarred, as it should be!
    • Ravager cooldown is now correctly 90 seconds.
    • Increased damage of Shield Charge to 275% of attack power (was 200%) and increased the area of effect damage to 110% of attack power (was 50%).
    • Fixed another issue causing Seismic Reverberation to trigger many Revenge casts.

Feedback: Warlocks

Here are the development notes for Warlocks in today’s update:
  • Class Talents
    • New
      • Abyss Walker – Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 4% for 10 seconds.
      • Gorefiend’s Resolve – Targets resurrected with Soulstone resurrect with 40% additional health and 30% additional mana.
      • Fel Synergy – Soul Leech also heals you for 25% and your pet for 50% of the absorption it grants.
      • Resolute Barrier – Attacks received that deal at least 5% of your health decrease Unending Resolve’s cooldown by 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds.
      • Soul Armor – When your health drops below 35%, the percentage of damage shared via your Soul Link is increased by an additional 5%.
      • Demonic Resilience – Reduces the chance you will be critically struck by 4%. All damage your primary demon takes is reduced by 15%.
      • Summon Soulkeeper (was Summon Jailer) – Summons a Soulkeeper that periodically blasts nearby enemies.
      • Inquisitor’s Gaze– Summons an Inquisitor’s Eye that attacks your enemies.
    • Removed
      • Pact of the Annihilan
      • Pact of the Eredar
      • Pact of the Imp Mother
      • Decimating Bolt
      • Dimensional Rift
    • Changes
      • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
      • Claw of Endereth is now a 1-point talent.
  • Affliction
    • New
      • Malefic Affliction – Malefic Rapture causes your active Unstable Affliction to deal 10% additional damage, up to 30%, for the rest of its duration.
      • Doom Blossom – If Corruption damages a target affected by your Unstable Affliction, it has a 10% chance per stack of Malefic Affliction to deal Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
      • Dread Touch – If Malefic Affliction exceeds 3 stacks, the target instead takes 20% additional damage from your damage over time effects for 6 seconds.
      • Grim Reach – When Darkglare deals damage, it deals 50% of that damage to all enemies affected by your damage over time effects.
      • Soul-Eater’s Gluttony – Whenever Unstable Affliction deals damage, the cooldown of Soul Rot is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed
      • Malefic Wrath
      • Deathbolt
      • Death Dealer
      • Pact of the Nathrezim
      • Deliberate Malice
    • Changes
      • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
      • Sacrolash’s Dark Strike now extends Curses by 0.5/1 second (was 1/2 seconds).
      • Creeping Death no longer decreases the duration of Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, or Siphon Life.
      • Soul Flame’s icon has been changed.
      • Vile Taint’s cooldown is now 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Calamitous Crescendo is now a 2-point talent.
  • Destruction
    • Infernal Brand – Your Infernal’s melee attacks cause its target to take 3%/6% increased damage from its Immolation, stacking up to 15 times (was 15%/30%).
    • Rolling Havoc – Now stacks up to 5 times (was 10) and lasts 5 seconds (was 8 seconds).
    • Backdraft – Now affects Soul Fire.
    • Chaos Bolt – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Incinerate – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Dimensional Rift – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Immolate – Damage reduced by 17%.
    • Rain of Fire – Damage reduced by 17%.
    • Shadowburn - Damage reduced by 50%.
    • Conflagrate – Damage reduced by 15%.
    • Soul Fire – Damage reduced by 25%.
    • Fire and Brimstone – Incinerate now hits all enemies near your target for 13%/25% damage (was 7%/15%).
    • Mastery: Chaotic Energies – No longer reduces the Warlock’s damage taken.
      • Developers’ note: With its access to powerful defensive talents in the class tree, Destruction Warlocks do not need additional survival bonuses.
  • Demonology
    • New
      • Reign of Tyranny – Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude. Active greater demons grant 2 stacks of Demonic Servitude. Demonic Tyrant deals 3% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
      • Guillotine – Your Felguard hurls his axe towards the target location, erupting when it lands and dealing Shadowflame damage every 1 second for 8 seconds to nearby enemies. While unarmed, your Felguard’s basic attacks deal damage to all nearby enemies and attacks 50% faster.
    • Removed
      • Demonic Consumption
    • Changes
      • Ner’zhul’s Volition has been updated – When Nether Portal summons a demon, it has a 2/4% chance per Soul Shard spent to summon an additional demon.
      • Nether Portal’s cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
      • The Expendables and Stolen Power have swapped places and moved to row 9.

Feedback: Shaman

From the development notes for today’s Alpha update:
  • Elemental
    • Earthquake – Damage reduced by 25%.
    • Chain Lightning – Damage increased by 25%. (Elemental only)
    • Lava Beam – Damage increased by 25%.
    • Lightning Bolt – Damage reduced by 20%. (Elemental only)
    • Lava Burst – Damage reduced by 20%. (Elemental only)
    • Earth Shock – Damage reduced by 20%.
    • Elemental Blast – Damage reduced by 20%. (Elemental only)
    • Lightning Rod – Deals 20% of Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt damage (was 25%).
  • Enhancement
    • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
    • Stormstrike now replaces Primal Strike.
    • Doom Winds now does some minor damage when you activate it.
    • Ice Strike’s Frost Shock buff now highlights Frost Shock
    • Alpha Wolf now works with Chain Lightning, rather than Crash Lightning.
    • Improved Stormbringer renamed Stormblast.
    • Unruly Winds chance raised to 100%.
    • Ascendance is now a choice node with Deeply Rooted Elements.
    • Thorim’s Invocation now remembers whether you last used Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, and will use that spell instead of always Lightning Bolt.
    • Chain Lightning Rank 2 has been added into the Chain Lightning/Crash Lightning interactions and is no longer a talent.
    • New Talent: Crashing Storms – Chain Lightning jumps to 2 additional targets, and also increases Crash Lightning damage by 40%.
    • Forceful winds is now 45% damage per stack (was 35%).
    • Gathering Storms is now a 1-point talent (was 2). Value increased to 15%, and there’s a maximum of 10 stacks of Gathering Storms.
    • Hot Hand is now a 2-point talent (was 1).
    • Elemental Assault adjusted to be 10/20% Stormstrike damage (was 7/15%). Maelstrom weapon chance is now 50/100% per rank.
    • Lava Burst is affected by Enhancement mastery.
    • Primal Primer is no longer an option on the tree.
    • Hailstorm now gains bonus damage from up to 10 Maelstrom Weapon charges spent to work better with Overflowing Maelstrom. The bonus targets is still capped at 5.
    • Nature’s Fury now works correctly with the immediate damage from Ascendance.
    • Feral Spirits is now a 90 second cooldown.
    • Elemental Spirits no longer reduces Feral Spirit cooldown.
  • Restoration
    • Water Totem Mastery – Consuming Tidal Waves reduces the cooldown of Cloudburst, Healing Stream, Healing Tide, Mana Spring, Mana Tide, and Poison Cleansing Totem by 0.5 seconds (was 0.25 seconds).

Feedback: Monks

In today’s Alpha update:
  • Class Talents
    • New Talent: Summon White Tiger Statue – Summons a White Tiger Statue at the target location for 30 seconds, pulsing damage to all enemies every 2 seconds for 30 seconds.
      • Developer note: This medium-duration area of effect cooldown is designed to bring the pain to enemies who dare doubt the wrath of the White Tiger.
    • Roll Rank 2 now correctly communicates that it grants an extra charge.
    • Windwalking tooltip now correctly displays speed increase instead of size change.
    • Generous Pour, Close to Heart, and Save Them All talents are now implemented.
  • Mistweaver
    • Unison – Soothing Mist heals a second injured ally within 15 yards for 100% of the amount healed (was 50%).
    • Awakened Faeline, Misty Peaks, Rapid Diffusion, Invoke Yu’lon’s Enveloping Mist mana reduction, and Ancient Concordance are now implemented.
    • Zen Reverberation triggers a second Zen Pulse at 50% effectiveness (was 30%).
    • Accumulating Mist increases Zen Pulse’s damage and healing by 15% per stack (was 10%).
    • Invoker’s Delight now scales its duration down to 8 seconds when talented into Gift of the Celestials.
    • Jade Bond’s Gust of Mist buff increased to 25% (was 12%).
    • Known Issue: Ancient Concordance’s tooltip displays the incorrect target count for Blackout Kick’s cleave. The intended functionality of this is to hit 2 targets with 1 point and 3 targets with 2 points.

Feedback: Mages

The full list of changes in today’s update:
  • Class Tree
    • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
    • New
      • Volatile Detonation – Greatly increases the effect of Blast Wave’s knockback. Blast Wave’s cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
      • Reflection – Teleports you back to where you last Blinked. Only usable within 8 seconds of Blinking. 45 second cooldown.
      • Energized Barriers – When your barrier receives melee attacks, you have a 10% chance to be granted 1 Fire Blast/1 Fingers of Frost/ 1 Clearcasting charge. Casting your barrier removes all snare effects.
      • Freezing Cold – Enemies hit by Cone of Cold are frozen in place for 4 seconds. Your spells will not break this effect.
      • Time Manipulation – Casting Fire Blast/Ice Lance on Frozen targets/Arcane Missiles reduces the cooldown of your loss of control abilities by 1 second.
      • Temporal Warp – While you have Temporal Displacement or other similar effects, you may use Time Warp to grant yourself 30% Haste for 40 seconds.
    • Class Talents
      • Cone of Cold – Now learned baseline for all Mages.
      • Meteor – Now deals 20% additional initial damage for Frost/Arcane Mages.
      • Shifting Power – Now reduces spell cooldowns by 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Arcane Warding – Now reduces magic damage taken by 2/4% (was 3/6%).
  • Arcane
    • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
    • Arcane Bombardment – Now increases Arcane Barrage damage to enemies below 35% health by 100% damage (previously was 50/100% but has been reduced to a 1 rank node).
    • Arcane Echo – Damage increased by 60% and max ranks reduced to 1 (was 2).
    • Arcane Surge – Now grants a burst of mana on cast so that the player can immediately start casting an Arcane Blast.
    • Rule of Threes – Now a choice node with Arcane Familiar, both have moved to row 5 (swapped with Arcane Tempo).
    • Evocation – Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).
    • Improved Evocation has been removed.
    • Siphon Storm – Converted to a single node (was previously choice node with Improved Evocation).
    • Orb Barrage – Converted to a single node (was previously a choice node with Orb Barrage).
    • Orb Barrage – Now also reduces the cooldown of Arcane Orb by 2 seconds when Clearcasting is consumed.
    • Prodigious Savant – Increased value to 20/40% (was 10/20%).
    • Nether Tempest – Damage increased by 15%.
    • Nether Tempest – Position on the tree has moved toward the center of the talent tree as a choice node with Reverberate, connecting from Mana Adept and Improved Arcane Barrage.
    • Reverberate – Position on the tree has moved toward the center of the talent tree as a choice node with Nether Tempest, connecting from Mana Adept and Improved Arcane Barrage.
    • Conjure Mana Gem – Now restores 25% mana (was 10%), and grants 5% increased spell power for 10 seconds baseline.
    • Cascading Power – Now grants up to 2 stacks of Clearcasting when consuming a Mana Gem (previously granted Spell Power).
    • Presence of Mind – Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • Fire
    • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
    • Hot Streak has been moved to be baseline.
    • New Talent: Fervent Flickering – Ignite damage has a 5% chance to reduce the cooldown of Fire Blast by 1 second.
    • Fire Blast – Now always crits.
    • Incendiary Eruptions – No longer a choice node.
    • Pyromaniac – Swapped positions with Pyroclasm, now a choice node with Molten Skyfall.
    • Fiery Rush and Kindling no longer a choice node.
    • Improved Blazing Barrier has been removed.
    • Fire Blast Rank 2 talent has been removed.
  • Frost
    • Ice Lance – Damage reduced by 10%.
    • Wintertide – Now a 2 point node. Ice Lance damage increased by 20% (was 30%).
    • Chain Reaction – Now a 1 point node. The Ice Lance damage increase effect is now 1% (was 1.5%).
    • Arctic Piercing – Empowered Ice Lances deal 5% damage (was 10%).
    • Fractured Frost – Frostbolt has a 25/50% chance to hit up to 2 additional targets (was 20/40%).
    • Icy Propulsion now reduces the cooldown of Icy Veins without requiring Icy Veins to be active. Now a 1 point node.
    • Icy Propulsion single target ability cooldown reduction is now 2 seconds (was 1 second).
    • Snowstorm – Now a 2 point node.
    • Winter’s Chill functionality is now granted by default when Flurry is learned.
    • Winter’s Chill talent has been removed.

Feedback: Evokers

In today’s update:
  • Class Tree
    • Damage of all abilities reduced by 8% except Azure Strike, Shattering Star, and Unravel.
    • Disintegrate damage reduced by an additional 5%.
    • Living Flame damage reduced by an additional 12.5%.
    • Enkindled reduced to 3% per rank (was 5%).
    • Scarlet Adaptation damage cap reduced by 19.5% (matches total Living Flame damage reduction).
  • Devastation
    • Pyre damage reduced by an additional 14%.
    • Azure Strike damage increased by 5%.
    • Shattering Star damage increased by 7%.
    • Arcane Intensity reduced to 8% per rank (was 10%).
    • Might of the Aspects reduced to 7.5% per rank (was 10%).
    • Volatility reduced to 10% per rank (was 15%).
    • Charged Blast reduced to 5% per stack (was 7%).
  • Preservation
    • Temporal Anomaly absorbs damage, rather than healing. Absorb shield stacks up to 3 times and lasts 15 seconds. Now only shields 2 allies at a time (was 3).
    • Temporal Anomaly will immediately slow down upon reaching an ally, even if they are full health. Speed adjusted to 10 yards per second base, 2.5 yards per sec when reaching an ally.
    • Temporal Anomaly mana cost reduced to 7.5% base mana (was 11.5%).
    • Temporal Disruption removed.
    • Flow State renamed to Rush of Vitality.
    • New: Flow State – Empower spells cause time to move 5/10% faster for you for 5 seconds. In Resonating Sphere’s old position.
    • Nozdormu’s Teachings causes Temporal Anomaly to shield 1 additional target, for a total of 3 targets each pulse.
    • Resonating Sphere now an A/B choice against Nozdormu’s Teachings. Causes Echo to be applied by Temporal Anomaly at 30% value.
« Последнее редактирование: 28 Августа, 2022, 14:19:09 by Wishko »


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Кого то мнут уже по 4ему кругу. А кого то как показали ветку 1ый раз, так и все...


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    • Имя: dimka
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    • Сервер: ясневый лес
а паладинов я так понимаю просто вырежут из игры ?)


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  • Глад дуалы поломал

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    • Класс: Дуэлист
    • Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Базовые у дк переделывают в третий раз. Блада второй. Анхолика второй или третий. Фроста вообще не трогали. Ебаный синдра-билд (
Ну чего, ты хочешь меня на хер послать? Милости просим, сука, давай. Я тебя тогда тоже на хер пошлю. Ну и чего? Обнимемся, вместе пойдем, да? ©


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Теперь будут 2 года эти таланты пытаться хоть как-то сбалансировать. Имитация деятельности очередная.


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а паладинов я так понимаю просто вырежут из игры ?)
Бедненькие, всего лишь бр дали.

Горнило ненависти

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Кого то мнут уже по 4ему кругу. А кого то как показали ветку 1ый раз, так и все...
Я думаю, к релизу доведут все деревья до нормального уровня. Так как, судя по всему, большем им заняться нечем к аддону всё равно.


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Теперь будут 2 года эти таланты пытаться хоть как-то сбалансировать. Имитация деятельности очередная.

А что есть не имитация деятельности ?


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А что есть не имитация деятельности ?
В случае с вов - создание нового контента. Т.е новые рейды, подземелья, локации, бг и эпик бг, сеты те же. Вместо этого имеем филлерный сезон, реколоры маунтов и сетов, 2 новые локации за 2 года, отправленные на помойку фичи аддонов типа торгаста или фронтов. Да и даже классы им балансить некогда - нерфят раз в полгода то, что раньше бы пофиксилось за 2-4 недели.

Вот теперь хотят продать в очередной раз перемешанные деревья таланты как ключевую фичу аддона. А потом еще и уйму времени потеряют на то, чтобы это заработало в реальности.


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да понятно, что балансить таланты они будут долго. тот же воин защиты на анонсе выглядел очень мощно. даже отхил на 30 % хп был перемещен в классовые трейты, что дополнительно наконец то дает ему— впервые— возможность неплохо хилиться в нужный момент без ущерба для остальныз талантов. да и вообще многие трейты смотрятся очень мощно.  может выйдет норм танк, так как шл по сути он как танк пропустил. это видно было сделано специально в связи с безоговорочным доминированием танка воина в бфа.
 беда в том,  что близзарды тупо никогда не могли гормально все отбалансировать и без этих талантов. вспомню снова фурика, который на анонсе шл также  выглядел  мощно, а в релизе оказался самым слабым дд после того как ему кучу всего порезали. и потом они его апали несколько раз.  разница в силе спеков и классов понятна, но она не должна быть очень существенна. но близы никогда не могли все это нормально отбалансировать. а с этими талантами, подозреваю, дисбаланс выйдет на новый уровень. они может специально все это делают, что бы народ играл не только горизонтально, но и вертикально — бегая от класса к классу.  но они никак не могут понять, что многие хотят играть одним классом достойно и интересно, не бегая туда сюда.
« Последнее редактирование: 28 Августа, 2022, 21:02:09 by skuns »


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Читаю правки Дестро локов и Елем шамов, и просто сердечко болит.
А локи сегодня жить будут, не?


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А что есть не имитация деятельности ?
В случае с вов - создание нового контента. Т.е новые рейды, подземелья, локации, бг и эпик бг, сеты те же.
Которые, в случае с новым аддоном(о котором как раз эта тема), уже были представлены.


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    • Класс: ДК
Вот у дк было неплохо с основным древом, наконец то можно было выбрать пассивку для регена рун. Так нет же, вернули к варианту без выбора...в духе близзард.

