Тема: Комментарии разработчиков об охотниках в альфа-версии Dragonflight – 14 июля  (Прочитано 3321 раз)

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Разработчики опубликовали объемное сообщение, в котором рассказали о некоторых грядущих изменениях и исправлениях всех деревьев талантов охотников в будущей сборке альфа-версии Dragonflight.:cut: Полностью переводить эту заметку не будем, но кратко перескажем основную суть:
  • Тем или иным изменениям подвергнутся все деревья класса.
  • В основном древе "Улучшенное лечение питомца" будет сокращено до 2 очков с сохранением эффективности; "Отпугивание" станет конечным талантом своей ветки; "Выстрел химеры" будет удален; "Мастер стрельбы" и "Шакрам смерти" ждут изменения в механике работы.
  • В древе "Повелителя зверей" способность "Ужасная стая" будет переработана.
  • В древе "Стрельбы" способность "Двойной выстрел" будет перемещена ниже центра древа; в конце левой части древа появится новый конечный талант с выбором свойств для "Коварных выстрелов"; "Наследие Ветрокрылых" сократится до 3 очков и будет перемещено; "Выстрел химеры" будет добавлен в верхнюю часть древа и снова станет заменять "Чародейский выстрел"; "Скорострельность" будет удалена; бонус к восполнению концентрации "Быстрой стрельбы" будет вынесен из таланта в базовые свойства способности.
  • В древе "Выживания" ряд талантов с 3 очками будет сокращен до меньшего числа очков с сохранением прежней эффективности; проблемы созависимостями "Неистовых ударов" будут решены.
  • Также будет исправлен ряд неполадок.
Сообщение дизайнера Nimox целиком с некоторыми дополнительными комментариями в плане философии изменений класса:

Feedback: Hunters

Hello Hunters,

We wanted to discuss some plans we had coming in the next few builds and address a few points of feedback.

Class Tree Changes:
  • Improved Mend pet reduced to 2 points for +25/50%. Also now has a chance per tick of Mend Pet to also dispel a magic effect from your pet.
  • Scare Beast is no longer on a path that connects to other nodes below it, it’s a one-off thing to the side of the tree.
  • There is potentially a placeholder +Agility node where scare beast was. This will be changed if it shows up in your build to something that isn’t direct throughput.
  • Chimaera Shot removed from the class tree.
  • Master Marksman will likely be changed to also work with melee critical hits.
  • Death Chakram will likely be changed to increase all damage taken, rather than just Physical. This should make it more competitive to Survival Hunters, who do a fair bit of non-physical damage.
Beast Mastery
  • Dire Pack needs to be reworked.
  • Double Tap is being moved near the middle of the tree.
  • New bottom left talent as a selection node:
    • Kill Shot now works with Trick Shots
    • Some number of targets hit by your Trick Shot ricochets also have Explosive Shot applied to them.
  • Legacy of the Windrunners has moved, and is consolidated down to 3 points instead of 5.
  • Chimaera shot added near the top of the tree. It will once again replace Arcane Shot, and things that modify Arcane Shot will modify Chimaera Shot
  • Quick Shot removed.
  • Rapid Fire’s Focus generation will just be part of the baseline ability and no longer an upgrade.
  • A bunch of 3-point talents adjusted to fewer points.
  • A dependency problem with Frenzy Strikes needs to be resolved where you can get this talent without either Wildfire Bombs.
This is not a complete list of what will change in the next build, or even the next few builds. As more decisions are made, we’ll try to post here. As always, things are subject to change and what is there now, or in the builds to come, may not be final.

Bug fixing is also an ongoing process.

One other quick note:

Serpent Sting is way too far down one side of the tree when it’s one of Survival’s main skills

Serpent Sting is intentionally low on the class side of the talent tree. If it’s up higher, it starts competing in space we have designated for utility options and starts to feel like a mandatory throughput choice. We want to put most of the actual throughput stuff past the second gate, so you have adequate points to get the utility you feel is important while playing. Moving it up higher means you would likely be getting less utility options.

edit: The note about Serpent Sting is specific to the Hunter class tree layout. Different classes have different tree layouts and where utility and throughput is scattered about.
edit2: note about Rapid Fire Focus generation in the MM tree area.
edit3: Death Chakram note in class tree area.
edit4: Frenzy Strikes note was wrong, you have to take Butchery/Carve, but not Wildfire Bombs.

I assume this means it will bounce to targets even if they are not within Kill Shot threshold?

Current plan: Yes

Will these 3 points have the same combined effect as the 5 did previously, or will that be changed?

Same combined effects.

Will the skills like Scatter Shot not being usable with a melee weapon be fixed as well, or is that intentional?

The intent is every ability on the class side of the tree is usable by any spec, regardless of what weapon is equipped. It may not be in that state now, but is is planned. Barrage might be an exception to this, but Barrage is also much less mandatory as a connection point in an upcoming build.

why is serpent sting even in the class tree in the first place?

Hunters had years of history with Serpent Sting, and it is available to Marksmanship as a talent. Multi-shot is also something many people would consider a core button, but is now in the spec trees for BM and MM. There is certainly an option where Serpent Sting is put in each tree and available with your first few points.

In general, we like to put as much class-wide stuff that we can, on the class side of the tree. This gets much more difficult when there are very crucial interactions within your spec with these buttons, such as Multi-Shot->Beast Cleave, or Multi-Shot->Trick Shots.

Serpent Sting is a cool button for Hunters. It is a nice thing for all three specs to have access to. Is it important to have before level 52? Maybe. It is early in the alpha testing stages for Dragonflight. We will get a lot of feedback from sources both internally and externally. If we decide it has to change for whatever reasons, we have time to do so.

6 years in 4 days

Friday afternoon thought: This is about 1/3 of World of Warcraft’s retail lifespan.

There are no planned animation changes for Hunters right now.

Any chance you’d consider removing the target requirement for trickshots? It currently leads to a lot of headache in certain scenarios where mobs aren’t stacked properly and with some hitboxes you can’t hit 3 targets reliably with multi shot. The QoL of AoE rotation would improve massively if Trickshots would activate the moment you use multishot without any restrictions. It would also remove frustrating moments of 2 targets being available and not being able to activate Trickshots.

There are no plans to change the 3+ target requirement for Trick Shots.

compare this tree to the Evoker class tree.

While I don’t want to comment for every single tree directly, comparing a class that has been around for 17+ years to a brand new class is very difficult. Evokers don’t have years of precedent and mechanics to build off of. It is a very different experience to design a talent tree for a totally new class with basically zero core ideas that players are accustomed to, compared to designing talents for a class that has years of expectations and styles of play around it.

I’m not saying don’t look at the Evoker tree or whatever other class and see cool ideas and try to relate it to your class or spec or express frustrations where you feel them. That’s always a fun experiment and something we often do with our internal peer reviews. I’m just trying to say, Evokers are very new, and currently have these core interactions created for them within the tree.[Источник]
« Последнее редактирование: 19 Июля, 2022, 21:15:35 by Wishko »


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БМы с дна по дпс поднимутся хотя бы на предпоследнее место?


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6 years in 4 days

Friday afternoon thought: This is about 1/3 of World of Warcraft’s retail lifespan.

There are no planned animation changes for Hunters right now.

Да катитесь вы в зад...! Звериный гнев БМ'а передает привет  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:

UPD: Это было в ответ на изменение анимации Flanking strike "Minor Note: Is there any plans to bring back the Legion animation for Flanking Strike? The new one is so… not special? The old flanking strike was neat and flavorful - you attacked with your pet, in a way that wouldn’t hurt your pet. But the new one, you jump in the air and slam your staff onto the enemy, which could very well hurt your pet using real life physics lol."
Но все равно, анимации ханта отстой!
« Последнее редактирование: 19 Июля, 2022, 22:23:12 by Kerzach »


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Вот что мне не нравится, так это зачем удалять одни спелы и вводить новые, которые выполняют ту же функцию (или почти ту же). Удалим детеренс из игры введем дух черепахи (нахера ?), удалим быструю стрельбу введем ауру меткого выстрела (которая будет делать то же самое что и папида). Удалим выстрел химеры, введем еще какое-нибудь говно вместо этого.
А потом пишут "нам кажется что название не отображало суть". Блин на всем плевать уже, игроки привыкли к названиям, они с выхода игры на многие спелы или с БК/Вотлк, так почему бы не сохранять преемственность в этом плане.


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Удалим выстрел химеры, введем еще какое-нибудь говно вместо этого.
Его переместили из классового древа в спековое(ММу), а не удалили.

