Тема: В обновлении 9.1 будет добавлено 40 уровней известности с новыми наградами  (Прочитано 11458 раз)

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Как мы знаем с BlizzConline 2021, обновление 9.1 пополнит игру еще 40 уровнями известности, повысив их максимальное значение до 80. На каждом из этих уровней игроки будут получать как небольшие, так и более существенные награды и бонусы, в том числе новые строки умений медиумов и косметические предметы.:cut: Вкратце, среди новых наград встречается следующее:
  • Новые строки умений/ячеек и усиление ячеек под проводники для существующих медиумов
  • Усиление соратников ковенантских приключений
  • Бонус к получаемой c локальных заданий аниме
  • Бонус к уровню получаемых c локальных предметов
  • Доступ к новым главам кампании ковенанта
  • Четвертая и пятая 2% прибавки к выносливости
  • Доступ к новым рангам улучшения PvP-предметов
  • Транспорт
  • Звания:
    • Кирии: Последователь преданности ("Disciple of Devotion")
    • Некролорды: Клинок Примаса ("Sword of the Primus")
    • Ночной народец: Страж чащи ("Protector of the Weald")
    • Вентиры: Пожиратель греха ("Sin Eater")
  • Ковенантские Пепе:

Чистая выкладка датамайна:

  • Kyrian Renown Level: 43
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 67
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 77
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 42
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: You may access Kleia's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 68
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 78
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 42
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64073)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 79
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 56
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 70
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 80
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Title Unlocked
    Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Sword of the Primus
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 55
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: You may access Pelagos's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 71
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 47
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 54
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: You may access Kleia's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 71
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 46
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64076)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 52
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 52
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 72
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 46
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: You may access Nadjia's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 51
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: You may access Pelagos's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 73
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 45
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Mount Unlocked
    Reward: Mount: Sinfall Gargon Sinfall Gargon
    Quest: (Quest #64131)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 73
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Night Fae grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64088)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 45
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: You may access Theotar's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 64
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 74
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 44
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 30
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: You may access Pelagos's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 75
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 43
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: You may access Nadjia's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 60
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Kyrian grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64145)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 34
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: You may access Kleia's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 76
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 43
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 31
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: You may access Mikanikos's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 77
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 42
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64073)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 58
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 30
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 78
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 42
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: You may access Theotar's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 34
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: You may access Princess Emeni's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 79
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 41
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: You may access Draven's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 69
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 31
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 80
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Title Unlocked
    Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Protector of the Weald
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 67
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 41
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 55
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: You may access Nadjia's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 66
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 42
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: You may access Emeni's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 54
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: You may access Theotar's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 42
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64073)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 53
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: You may access Draven's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 76
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 30
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: You may access Nadjia's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 43
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 52
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 74
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 73
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Kyrian grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64146)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 34
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: You may access Theotar's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 43
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 52
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 73
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 31
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: You may access General Draven's eighth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 44
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 51
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: You may access Nadjia's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 71
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 80
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Title Unlocked
    Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Disciple of Devotion
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 45
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Mount Unlocked
    Reward: Mount: Plaguerot Tauralus Plaguerot Tauralus
    Quest: (Quest #64097)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 50
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 79
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 45
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: You may access Emeni's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 49
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: You may access Theotar's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 46
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64076)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 48
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: You may access Draven's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 46
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 48
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Pepe Unlocked
    Reward: Item: A Tiny Sinstone A Tiny Sinstone
    Quest: (Quest #64133)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 47
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 64
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 48
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 42
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: You may access Dreamweaver's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 48
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Pepe Unlocked
    Reward: Item: A Tiny Vial of Slime A Tiny Vial of Slime
    Quest: (Quest #64099)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 62
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 42
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64073)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 49
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: You may access Emeni's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 61
    Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
    Description: You and the Venthyr continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
    Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 43
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: You may access Niya's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 50
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 61
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 43
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 51
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 60
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Venthyr grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64134)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 44
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 52
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 59
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 75
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 53
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 65
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64087)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 52
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 58
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64082)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 45
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Mount Unlocked
    Reward: Mount: Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag
    Quest: (Quest #64074)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 58
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 45
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: You may access Dreamweaver's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 57
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: You may access Draven's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 46
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64076)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 55
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 71
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 75
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 46
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: You may access Niya's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 56
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 71
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 47
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 57
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 70
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 58
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64082)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 58
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64082)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 65
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 50
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 69
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 48
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Pepe Unlocked
    Reward: Item: A Tiny Winter Staff A Tiny Winter Staff
    Quest: (Quest #64079)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 58
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 68
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 54
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: You may access Emeni's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 56
    Name: Venthyr Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 49
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: You may access Dreamweaver's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 59
    Name: Necrolord Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 67
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 61
    Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
    Description: You and the Kyrian continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
    Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 50
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 60
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Necrolord grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64100)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 67
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 70
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 51
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: You may access Niya's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 61
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 48
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: You may access Koryan's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 52
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 61
    Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
    Description: You and the Night Fae continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
    Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 65
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64087)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 41
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: You may access Koryan's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 52
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 62
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 65
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 78
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 53
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: You may access Koryan's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 63
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 80
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Title Unlocked
    Reward: Character Title: Sin Eater <Character Name>
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 72
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 68
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 63
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: Pelagos's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 54
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: You may access Dreamweaver's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 79
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
    Description: Theotar's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 55
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: You may access Niya's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 65
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64087)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 78
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 56
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 65
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 77
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 66
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 60
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Night Fae grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64081)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 66
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 76
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 77
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 67
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 63
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 58
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 67
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 74
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
    Description: Draven's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 62
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: Mikanikos's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 57
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: You may access Mikanikos's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 53
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: You may access Mikanikos's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 58
    Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
    Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64082)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 68
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 73
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Venthyr grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64135)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 48
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
    Description: You may access Mikanikos's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 59
    Name: Night Fae Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 69
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 73
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 73
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 69
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 61
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 70
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Venthyr Renown Level: 72
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
    Description: Nadjia's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 57
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: You may access Koryan's final row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 61
    Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
    Description: You and the Night Fae continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
    Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 71
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 48
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Pepe Unlocked
    Reward: Item: A Tiny Pair of Wings A Tiny Pair of Wings
    Quest: (Quest #64137)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 61
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 49
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: You may access Kleia's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 67
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: Kleia's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 62
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 71
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 47
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 63
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's first row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 72
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
    Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 46
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64076)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 71
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 64
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 45
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
    Description: You may access Kleia's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 64
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 65
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
    Description: Korayn's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 73
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: Your connection with the Necrolords grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
    Note: Stamina Increased
    Reward: Spell: Deepening Bond
    Quest: (Quest #64108)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 45
    Name: (Empty)
    Description: (Empty)
    Note: Mount Unlocked
    Reward: Mount: Phalynx of Purity Phalynx of Purity
    Quest: (Quest #64138)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 65
    Name: World Quest Rewards
    Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
    Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
    Reward: Quest: (Quest #64087)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 74
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
    Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 44
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 66
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
    Description: Niya's second row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 75
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
    Description: Emeni's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 43
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
    Description: You may access Pelagos's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
    Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Kyrian Renown Level: 59
    Name: Kyrian Campaign
    Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Night Fae Renown Level: 67
    Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
    Description: Dreamweaver's third row of conduits is enhanced.
    Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
    Reward: (Empty)
  • Necrolord Renown Level: 76
    Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
    Reward: (Empty)
« Последнее редактирование: 14 Апреля, 2021, 12:51:40 by Wishko »


  • Благодетель
  • Старожил
  • *
  • Сообщений: 1139
Спасибо за инфу конечно, но можно в следующий раз под кат убрать подобную простыню.


  • Завсегдатай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 888

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Класс: Маг
    • Сервер: Гордунни
Судя по всему, нам так до конца ШЛ и будут пихать новые 40 уровней известности каждый контентный патч.

Ну хоть наградами это всё дело, которое тянется из дополнения в дополнение вот уже который год, скрасят несколько лучше.
Получать какую нибудь микро-хрень, всё еще лучше, чем сидеть и ждать, пока на расколотом берегу или в Кул Тирасе\ Зандаларе откроется очередная сюжетная глава, за прохождение которой тебе в ладошку отсыпят щепоточку голды.

Тут хотя-бы есть шанс, что за очередную главу, "гений" Близзард сможет из себя выдать что-то стоящее помимо рейдовых комплектов.
К сожалению, будучи подданым Леди Лунной Ягодки, приходится в 9.1 расчитывать только на всратую лису с переломанными ногами (и вероятно 10 её реколоров, если судить по затёртым до дыр оленям), да на спорной красоты трансмог, в котором все наконец-то смогут исполнить свою мечту, почувствовав себя тауренами, троллями и козами, которые не носят обувь.

Ну ... ок, надеюсь, что в 9.2 повезет больше.

Странно, куда девается весь юмор Близзард, когда дело касается титулов? Где мои титулы "Лунная Ягодка", "Искатель манашишек" или на худой конец (ха-ха) "Ночной воитель", ну хоть "Сотрясатель грибов" дайте.
« Последнее редактирование: 14 Апреля, 2021, 08:11:25 by Frucy »


  • Старожил
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 2245
  • Порой руку судьбы нужно направить.

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Имя: Обоже
    • Класс: Маг
    • Сервер: Гордунни
Я правильно понимаю что если я поменяю Ковен. То мне с 0 качать?
Время - это плоский круг. "Что бы мы ни сделали или сделаем в будущем, мы будем делать то же самое вновь и вновь".


  • Завсегдатай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 888

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Класс: Маг
    • Сервер: Гордунни
Да известность там апается за пару недель не напрягаясь, другое дело, что вся твоя запасённая анима, которую тебе месяцами капали из пипетки в ладошку, а так же все твои постройки, на которые ты эту аниму тратил, полетят в помойное ведро.

А достижения, которые увеличивают количество получаемой анимы с большинства источников, конечно же на аккаунт не шарятся (место для культурного посыла на йух aka отговорок про новых героев, в которые верят разве что умственно отсталые, по лекалам репутации), потому что 9.1 толком не понятно когда выйдет и тебя чем-то до этого момента нужно занять, допустим очередным дрочевом анимы на твинках, желательно подольше. Что-бы твои дни до патча 9.1 пролетели незаметно <3
« Последнее редактирование: 14 Апреля, 2021, 08:15:05 by Frucy »


  • Завсегдатай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 415

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Имя: Першии
    • Класс: Охотник
    • Сервер: Гордунни
Спасибо за инфу конечно, но можно в следующий раз под кат убрать подобную простыню.
боялся не успеть оставить комментарий ?


  • Ветеран
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 5328

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Имя: Астронимо
    • Класс: Рейдэн
    • Сервер: Пиратская бухта
Я правильно понимаю что если я поменяю Ковен. То мне с 0 качать?
Да, но эта известность:
1) Сохраняется, если меняешь ковенант и возвращаешься обратно
2) Она сыпется из всех щелей. Можно за недельку-две хоть все 80 качнуть с 1.

Хермеус Мора

  • Старожил
  • ***
  • Сообщений: 1896
Ну заняться есть чем до выхода бк или нового аддона))

Измеренная геморройность HearthStone составляет 280%.


  • Завсегдатай
  • **
  • Сообщений: 296

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Класс: Воин
    • Сервер: Разувий
А что там с шапочкой из фольги, когда 9.1 ждать?


  • Ветеран
  • ****
  • Сообщений: 5388
  • ВашКэп!

  • Варкрафт: +
    • Имя: Иркус
    • Класс: Воин
    • Сервер: Дракономор
Судя по всему, нам так до конца ШЛ и будут пихать новые 40 уровней известности каждый контентный патч.

Ну хоть наградами это всё дело, которое тянется из дополнения в дополнение вот уже который год, скрасят несколько лучше.
Получать какую нибудь микро-хрень, всё еще лучше, чем сидеть и ждать, пока на расколотом берегу или в Кул Тирасе\ Зандаларе откроется очередная сюжетная глава, за прохождение которой тебе в ладошку отсыпят щепоточку голды.

Тут хотя-бы есть шанс, что за очередную главу, "гений" Близзард сможет из себя выдать что-то стоящее помимо рейдовых комплектов.
К сожалению, будучи подданым Леди Лунной Ягодки, приходится в 9.1 расчитывать только на всратую лису с переломанными ногами (и вероятно 10 её реколоров, если судить по затёртым до дыр оленям), да на спорной красоты трансмог, в котором все наконец-то смогут исполнить свою мечту, почувствовав себя тауренами, троллями и козами, которые не носят обувь.

Ну ... ок, надеюсь, что в 9.2 повезет больше.

Странно, куда девается весь юмор Близзард, когда дело касается титулов? Где мои титулы "Лунная Ягодка", "Искатель манашишек" или на худой конец (ха-ха) "Ночной воитель", ну хоть "Сотрясатель грибов" дайте.

Тебе как то мешают новые уровни известности? На каждом уровне награды, просто удобная структура


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Странно что не 0.1%, это же Юрист - любая награда не должна ощущаться и быть заметной.


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Награды, за которые ты потом должен заплатить анимой, лол


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Судя по всему, нам так до конца ШЛ и будут пихать новые 40 уровней известности каждый контентный патч.

Не факт, что будет еще много патчей ;)

Либо мы в финале полетим в Темно-Темные земли и там уже ковенант будет просто не нужен.


  • Модератор
  • Легенда
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  • Сообщений: 45330
  • 2% прибавка к выносливости.
Странно что не 0.1%, это же Юрист - любая награда не должна ощущаться и быть заметной.

Это продолжение текущих 2% бонусов, они все одинаковые.


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ого, никто такого не ожидал, вот это да! Ещё и квесты на ренаун, наверное, будут очень интересными, типо заработай 1000 анимы и освободи души. Странно, что разрабы так стараются для нас, простых смертных. Совсем все силы отдают, не берегут себя

