Тема: Описание экспериментального обновления Overwatch от 1 апреля 2021 г.  (Прочитано 5272 раз)

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На официальном форуме Overwatch опубликовано довольно большое описание свежего обновления для режима "Лаборатории" со свежими экспериментальными изменениями для всех героев. Обычно мы не публикуем такие описания, поскольку зачастую они не доживают до попадания в обычную версию игры, но в этот раз случай выдающийся. Разработчики подготовили невероятные вещи, которые могут всерьез изменить игру.:cut:

Описание этого обновления доступно только на английском, но мы выписали для вас особо интересные моменты:
  • Теперь применение "Стимулятора" также применяет "Стимулятор" к Ане.
  • Теперь время восстановления "Отражение атак" Гэндзи сбрасывается, если он убивает цель с его помощью.
  • Теперь Крысавчик может размещать вплоть до 3 "Ловушек" разом.
  • Теперь Миротворец восстанавливает патрон при попадании в голову цели, а "Меткий стрелок" создает больше одного перекати-поля.
  • Теперь Мэй является танком, ее запас здоровья увеличен до 400, а размер на 15%.
  • Теперь Ангел может выбирать противников в качестве цели "Ангела-хранителя".
  • Теперь Фарра может передвигаться во время "Ракетного залпа".
  • Теперь Жнец может летать во время "Бестелесности".
  • Теперь Сигма может летать, но больше не может пользоваться "Экспериментальным барьером".
  • Теперь "Тактический визор" Солдата-76 всегда попадает в голову.
  • Теперь полностью заряженные "Поцелуи вдовы" Вдовы пробивают цели насквозь.
  • Теперь получение урона от противников повышает заряд суперспособности Уинстона.
  • Теперь Дзенъятта может парить вплоть до 3 сек. при зажатой клавише Пробел.
Эти и другие изменения на самом деле можно опробовать в игре в режиме "Лаборатории"!

Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – April 1, 2021

A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.


Welcome to April! We’ve decided to fool around with a few hero changes for this experimental card.



Nano Boost
  • Boosting an ally will now also boost Ana
Dev Comment: We’ve received feedback that Ana players don’t often see the immediate impact of their ult since it’s usually used on Genji and Winston who immediately jump out of range. With this change, Ana can also enjoy the fruits of her labor with powered up darts and damage reduction.


Coach Gun
  • Projectile damage increased from 6 to 9
  • Can now deal critical damage
  • Spread reduced by 50%
  • No longer knocks back enemies
Dev Comment: Point blank Coach Gun to the face now matches expectations more closely.


Biotic Launcher (Secondary Fire)
  • Direct grenade hits heal for 33% more health
Immortality Field
  • Now reduces damage by incoming by 50% instead of setting a minimum health value
  • Cooldown reduced from 25 to 15 seconds
Dev Comment: Slightly-Less-Mortality Field just doesn’t have the same ring to it, but we can experiment. Maybe the device should be immortal so we can get by on a technicality.


  • Character scale reduced 15%
Configuration: Recon
  • Weapon spread removed
Dev Comment: Bastion still turns into a tank but is no longer tank-sized. We’ve also tightened up a few screws on his gun arm and the weapon spread just went away! Less beep-boop by volume, more pew-pew.


Whip Shot
  • Hitting an enemy now resets the cooldown of Shield Bash
Dev Comment: We’ve heard players get very excited about all things crowd control, so now with this sweet combo you can potentially up the stun time or I guess use it for mobility (ugh, boring).


Call Mech
  • Now deals 600 damage to enemies on impact
  • Ultimate charge cost reduced by 30%
Dev Comment: The enemy team will often disrespectfully ignore pilot D.Va. It will now be more difficult to survive a mech being dropped on top of you.


Rocket Punch
  • Can now travel upward
Dev Comment: And they say he could level a skyscraper. It’s really put a lot of creative restrictions on our skyscraper-themed hero ideas. This change should also address the issue of some Doomfist players occasionally touching the ground.


  • Duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds
Dev Comment: Echo players are actually some of the most helpful people around. They’re always saying things like, “here let me show you how it’s done”.  This change should enable players to be more helpful to each other in-game.


  • Cooldown is now reset after eliminating a target
Dev Comment: Unconfirmed rumor: Genji’s cybernetics are actually fueled by the blood of his fallen foes.


Storm Arrows
  • Storm Arrows now ricochet off the environment
Dev Comment: Just scatter them around wherever you like and then claim that you totally lined that one up if it eliminates someone.


Steel Trap
  • Can now have up to 3 active at the same time
  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 7 seconds
Dev Comment: Players weren’t spending enough time admiring the beautiful floor textures so we’re enabling Junkrat to place a few more hazards about. Discovery is a very powerful and exciting motivator so now there will potentially be even more surprises lurking beneath the ground.


Amp It Up
  • Now also increases the strength of Soundwave’s knockback
Dev Comment: Tinnitus is not a joke. Don’t let it happen to you.


Peacekeeper (Primary Fire)
  • Headshots now refund 1 ammo
  • No longer limited to 1 tumbleweed
Dev Comment: Bullets work strangely in the future. As do tumbleweeds.


  • Reassigned to the Tank role
  • Character scale increased 15%
  • Health increased from 250 to 400
Dev Comment: An Ice Wall is literally a physical barrier. But Mei can also do a lot of damage. Can’t you see this endless conflict is tearing us apart?


Guardian Angel
  • Can now target enemies
Dev Comment: Now would be a poor time to underestimate the surprising amount of damage Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster can do. There is no escape. I am sorry.


Biotic Grasp (Secondary Fire)
  • Range decreased from 20 to 15 meters
  • Damage increased from 50 to 75 damage per second
Biotic Orb
  • Cooldown reduced by 1 second for every 100 health restored to an ally with Biotic Grasp (Primary Fire)
Dev Comment: There’s certainly a desire to get in close and deal some damage when playing Moira so we’ll lean into that but also pull in the opposite direction by incentivizing actually healing allies. steepled-fingers-maniacal-scheming intensifies


  • Forward run speed increased by 40%
Dev Comment: Orisa is still learning to take full advantage of her quadruped locomotion. We expect this gameplay change will help deepen players’ connection to the hero while roleplaying as a nascent, centaur-like omnic entrusted with becoming the protector of Numbani.


Concussive Blast
  • Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds
  • Can now move while casting
Dev Comment: We’re nerfing Barrage so that it will now on average result in one less player death.


Shadow Step
  • Cast time reduced from 1.5 to 1 seconds
Wraith Form
  • Now grants flight for its duration
Dev Comment: Recent studies have concluded that incorporeal specters, such as wraiths, are more intimidating whilst airborne.


  • Now has 200% more power steering
Dev Comment: The user manual for Crusader armor states that precision German engineering does not require changing steering fluid as a part of regularly scheduled maintenance; please do so at your own discretion.


Chain Hook
  • Cooldown reduced by 50% after hitting an enemy
Dev Comment: Alternatively, the new cooldown for Chain Hook is 4 seconds, but missing with the hook demoralizes Roadhog enough that he can’t muster the enthusiasm to try again so soon, doubling the cooldown time.


  • No longer bound by gravity
Experimental Barrier
  • Disabled
Kinetic Grasp
  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds
Dev Comment: The Experimental Barrier was heavier than expected. Putting it aside has enabled Sigma to no longer be anchored so near to the ground.

Soldier: 76

  • Now generates 6 ammo-per-second while active
Tactical Visor
  • Now aims for headshots
Dev Comment: So, it turns out that aiming for the head is the superior tactical choice.


  • Stealth changes
Dev Comment: REDACTED


Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
  • Beam range increased from 12 to 16 meters
Dev Comment: Symmetra’s Photon Projector now projects photons further.


Forge Hammer
  • Damage increased by 200% while Overload is active
  • Killing blows increase the Overload duration by 2 seconds
Dev Comment: While Torbjorn does have a Rivet gun, his true mastery is revealed with hammer in hand. He’s much better at fixing turrets with it than people though.


  • Now restores all Blink charges
Dev Comment: It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have any Blink charges 3 seconds ago, they all come back! The logic of time travel is not to be questioned.


Widow’s Kiss (Primary Fire)
  • Damage increased from 13 to 15
  • Spread reduced 30%
Widow’s Kiss (Secondary Fire)
  • Charged shots now pierce enemies
Dev Comment: Lower health means we can give her more damage, right?


Barrier Projector
  • Enemy damage now grants Winston ultimate charge
Primal Rage
  • Melee damage increased from 40 to 90
  • Melee knockback increased by 40%
Dev Comment: Winston’s Primal Rage offensive power wasn’t quite living up to our lofty expectations of a genetically modified space-ape, so we’re giving it a small nudge. Winston also has a soft spot for his inventions, so If you thought breaking his glasses made him upset…

Wrecking Ball

  • All ability cooldowns reduced by 3 seconds
  • Is now always active
  • Damage increased from 50 to 60
Dev Comment: Both Wrecking Ball’s mobility and survivability were often being called into question. Were these tuning values right for the game? I suppose we could buff them if we have to.


  • Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier are now on a shared cooldown with 2 charges
Dev Comment: Zarya is no longer burdened by evenly distributing her barriers between herself and her teammates. She is now empowered to selfishly hoard both of them for the greater good or selflessly give them all away.


  • Can now levitate for up to 3 seconds by holding Jump
Dev Comment: There may actually be no limit to Zenyatta’s power, but he demonstrates great discipline in his moderation. He enters and leaves the meta at will.[Источник]
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Апреля, 2021, 08:45:29 by Wishko »


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Не, ну вдове могли бы дать атаку, которая пробивает не цели, а щиты, вот это был бы огонь  :)

А с Бьорном, они явно вдохновлялись тем знаменитым роликом про самую эпичную его ульту (ещё со старых времён до реворков).  :)
...но несмотря на то, что жизнь приносит много страха и боли, она остаётся единственным местом, где можно нормально поесть ©.


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Как я рад, что этот день закончился, и все интернет-шутники позалезали обратно в пещеру до следующего года. Вроде ничего и не происходило, но ощущение такое, будто надо убираться в квартире и мыть посуду после бурной бухло-вечеринки.


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Не, ну вдове могли бы дать атаку, которая пробивает не цели, а щиты, вот это был бы огонь  :)
Не, надо чтобы ульта Вдовы не только подсвечивала противника, но и могла простреливать сквозь стены.


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Вполне адекватные фикси,когда заходил думал что первоапрельские шутки будут


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Эти изменения на самом деле доступны в игре.

