Тема: Guild Wars 2: Маунт для WvW  (Прочитано 31247 раз)

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Re: Guild Wars 2: Маунт для WvW
« Ответ #30 : 02 Марта, 2019, 07:47:56 »
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Новости по маунту:

Warclaw will be available in PVE once unlocked
You acquire the Warclaw by putting 1 point into the Warclaw Mastery to start a Collection and Reward Track, which all need to be completed in WvW or Edge of the Mist.
Warclaw has about 12k health, and will dismount the mounted character when it dies
HOWEVER, should the Warclaw take enough fall damage to kill it, the mounted character will be full dead
You do not get access to the new LWS4 Mount Masteries for the Warclaw (e.g. Bond of Vigor)
Warclaws are immune to CC
Warclaws can be stealthed by outside sources
Warclaws have three Endurance bars, and the movement abilities have evade frames.
Warclaw Skill 1 is the Engage ability, which deals some damage, applies 4 stacks of bleed, and most significantly, finishes any downed enemies within a radius with the appropriate Mastery.
Warclaw Skill 2 is Sniff, which Marks enemies within a 5,000 unit-radius. It does not mark stealthed characters.
Warclaw Skill 3 is Chain. It attaches a chain to an enemy gate and deals 2,000 damage per pull. Each pull expends 1 supply. You can have up to 3 Warclaws pulling at the gate.
The Warclaw can be mounted in enemy territory
The Warclaw runs at a faster speed while in friendly territory. In PVE, it runs approximately as fast as a Griffon on land.
Warclaw mastery requires 126 points to be completed
You need to own Path of Fire to unlock the Warclaw
Requires 50 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (Wood and Bronze and 2 ticks of Silver) and 250 Badges of Honor. (thanks u/MichramH)


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Re: Guild Wars 2: Маунт для WvW
« Ответ #31 : 02 Марта, 2019, 13:22:14 »
  • Рейтинг:3 (+3 | 0)
Новости по маунту:

Warclaw will be available in PVE once unlocked
You acquire the Warclaw by putting 1 point into the Warclaw Mastery to start a Collection and Reward Track, which all need to be completed in WvW or Edge of the Mist.
Warclaw has about 12k health, and will dismount the mounted character when it dies
HOWEVER, should the Warclaw take enough fall damage to kill it, the mounted character will be full dead
You do not get access to the new LWS4 Mount Masteries for the Warclaw (e.g. Bond of Vigor)
Warclaws are immune to CC
Warclaws can be stealthed by outside sources
Warclaws have three Endurance bars, and the movement abilities have evade frames.
Warclaw Skill 1 is the Engage ability, which deals some damage, applies 4 stacks of bleed, and most significantly, finishes any downed enemies within a radius with the appropriate Mastery.
Warclaw Skill 2 is Sniff, which Marks enemies within a 5,000 unit-radius. It does not mark stealthed characters.
Warclaw Skill 3 is Chain. It attaches a chain to an enemy gate and deals 2,000 damage per pull. Each pull expends 1 supply. You can have up to 3 Warclaws pulling at the gate.
The Warclaw can be mounted in enemy territory
The Warclaw runs at a faster speed while in friendly territory. In PVE, it runs approximately as fast as a Griffon on land.
Warclaw mastery requires 126 points to be completed
You need to own Path of Fire to unlock the Warclaw
Requires 50 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (Wood and Bronze and 2 ticks of Silver) and 250 Badges of Honor. (thanks u/MichramH)

вау:   and most significantly, finishes any downed enemies within a radius with the appropriate Mastery.
вот это круто, будет кавалерия и понятный смысл в ней!


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Re: Guild Wars 2: Маунт для WvW
« Ответ #32 : 03 Марта, 2019, 04:47:05 »
  • Рейтинг:0 (+0 | 0)
Новости по маунту:

Warclaw will be available in PVE once unlocked
You acquire the Warclaw by putting 1 point into the Warclaw Mastery to start a Collection and Reward Track, which all need to be completed in WvW or Edge of the Mist.
Warclaw has about 12k health, and will dismount the mounted character when it dies
HOWEVER, should the Warclaw take enough fall damage to kill it, the mounted character will be full dead
You do not get access to the new LWS4 Mount Masteries for the Warclaw (e.g. Bond of Vigor)
Warclaws are immune to CC
Warclaws can be stealthed by outside sources
Warclaws have three Endurance bars, and the movement abilities have evade frames.
Warclaw Skill 1 is the Engage ability, which deals some damage, applies 4 stacks of bleed, and most significantly, finishes any downed enemies within a radius with the appropriate Mastery.
Warclaw Skill 2 is Sniff, which Marks enemies within a 5,000 unit-radius. It does not mark stealthed characters.
Warclaw Skill 3 is Chain. It attaches a chain to an enemy gate and deals 2,000 damage per pull. Each pull expends 1 supply. You can have up to 3 Warclaws pulling at the gate.
The Warclaw can be mounted in enemy territory
The Warclaw runs at a faster speed while in friendly territory. In PVE, it runs approximately as fast as a Griffon on land.
Warclaw mastery requires 126 points to be completed
You need to own Path of Fire to unlock the Warclaw
Requires 50 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (Wood and Bronze and 2 ticks of Silver) and 250 Badges of Honor. (thanks u/MichramH)

вау:   and most significantly, finishes any downed enemies within a radius with the appropriate Mastery.
вот это круто, будет кавалерия и понятный смысл в ней!
Копи бутыльки www-ые, чтобы ревард трэк оттарабанить на старте)


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Re: Guild Wars 2: Маунт для WvW
« Ответ #33 : 08 Марта, 2019, 05:41:05 »
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Сменился нахрен весь баланс wvwvw, но зато я теперь тифом могу в два раза больше безнаказанно бегать и ганкать ых  ;D

