Тема: В бета-версии Warcraft Arclight Rumble появился PvP-режим  (Прочитано 4694 раз)

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Для бета-версии Warcraft Arclight Rumble выпущено очередное крупное обновление под номером 9.0.4, в котором разработчики представили обновленный PvP-режим с ротацией карт и личными рейтингами чести для сражения между игроками, а также нового командира и различные балансировочные изменения.:cut:
  • В игре появился обновленный PvP-режим с сезонной ротацией карт, башен и модификаторов, а такэе личными рейтингами чести.
  • В игре стал доступен новый командир – Старый Мрачноглаз.
  • Началось активное тестирование внутриигрового магазина.
  • Введены различные улучшения для существующих систем и функций, командиров и отрядов.
Также разработчики обещают в ближайшее время начать приглашать побольше игроков на тестирование и включить в него новые страны.

Beta Update 0.9.4 - Player versus Player

Beta Update 0.9.3
November 16, 2022

Get ready to rumble with other players in our PvP update! Arclight Rumble’s PvP system leverages many maps, towers, and modifiers to tumble the meta and keep players on their toes! Update 0.9.4 also features a new collectible Beast Leader: Old Murk-eye, Coins awarded from gaining player levels, and more! We will continue to expand our Beta audience through the end of the year and will be adding more countries in the process.

Player versus Player

PvP has been overhauled and features an initial set of maps, towers, and modifiers that will shift over time to encourage the meta to ebb and flow. Our goal is to keep the meta fresh primarily by changing the play space, and only rebalancing Mini stats when they are consistently over or under-performing in different PvP settings. Season 1 started on November 13, 2022, at 1:00 UTC.
  • Seasons and Maps
    • Each PvP season in Beta will last 3 weeks. On a given week, there will be a specific map, tower, and modifier.
    • Each week, one of the 3 PvP slots will advance, such that each map, tower or modifier is active for 3 weeks. Maps are the defining slot for each season. On week two, the tower slot will advance. On week 3, the modifier slot will advance. And finally, as week 3 concludes and rolls over to the next season, the map slot will advance, keeping the existing tower and modifier until their weeks in the new season arrive.
      • Note: Our current plan for post-Beta is for seasons to last 6 weeks, with 2 weeks per configuration, but in Beta we’re doubling the pace for more feedback on the varieties and combinations of maps, towers, and modifiers.
    • Our debut set includes 4 maps, 3 towers, and 4 modifiers, which allows us the ability to create unique metas for many seasons in a row and allows us to expand meta combinations with each map, tower and modifier that we add.
      • Modifiers currently oscillate between Clean Fight (no modifier) and a modifier that changes gameplay, in order to not have PvP diverge too much from the base game. We’d love to hear community feedback about this approach.
  • Leaders, Levels, and Honor
    • Matchmaking is now implemented, and each Leader will have their own Honor rating, which will be used to match players of a similar PvP prowess with a given Leader.
    • Account Honor measures a player’s overall PvP abilities, combining their top 3 Leaders into a single Account Honor value.
      • Top 3 Leader Honor scores can be from the same family.
    • There are claimable one-time Rewards up to 9000 Honor, and recurring Seasonal Rewards from 10,000 to 20,000 Honor.
    • At the end of each season, Honor ratings for Leaders above 3000 will be reduced to re-level the playing field as a new map comes into rotation and allowing Players to battle to earn their Seasonal Rewards.
    • All Minis in PvP are set to Level 1 in terms of XP. Bonuses from Talents and Valor Slots do apply, making the effective level range in PvP 1-7.
Features and Systems
  • Gaining a Player Level will now grant 50 Coins in addition to XP bonuses! This grant is affected by the Arclight Booster and bonus Coins will be banked into Arclight Boosters that have not yet been purchased.
  • XP curves have been adjusted to make the middle of the campaign a bit easier to tackle.
  • A handful of Minis will have their 3rd Talents early, for testing purposes.
  • Old Murk-Eye
    • New Leader! Old Murk-Eye’s passive ability is March of the Murlocs.
      • March of the Murlocs - For the next 5 seconds after playing Old Murk-Eye, spawn a Murloc Tidehunter at your base for each Gold you spend.
    • Old Murk-Eye also has 2 new Talents, available in the G.R.I.D.!
      • Marathon of Murlocs - March of the Murlocs lasts an additional 5 seconds.
      • Tip of the Spear - Murlocs spawn at Old Murk-Eye instead of your base.
  • Cairne
    • New 3rd Talent: Reincarnation - Cairne Resurrects once at 30% Health.
  • Tirion
    • New 3rd Talent: Lay on Hands - On death, heal one nearby ally to full Health.
  • Flamewaker
    • New 3rd Talent: Engulf - Applies Burn to enemies.
    • Heat Wave Talent has been adjusted to a flat 20% damage increase while we do some bug fixing.
  • Harpies
    • Windfury Talent has been changed to Talon Dive.
      • New Talent: Talon Dive - Deal double damage on the first attack.
    • New 3rd Talent: Infectious Swipes - Harpies gain Poison.
  • Huntress
    • Crystal Glaive Talent has been changed to Elven Might.
      • New Talent: Elven Might - Deal 50% additional damage to the initial target.
  • Smoke Bomb
    • Master of Subtlety has been changed to Strangers in the Night.
      • New Talent: Strangers in the Night - Apply Stealth to enemies as well.
  • Whelp Eggs
    • Whelps now spawn when Whelp Eggs are destroyed rather than on taking damage. This changes some interactions with Spells like Cheat Death and Execute.
Store Offers

We will be testing a variety of real money transaction offers with this update. Our goal is to make sure players feel value with the offers they choose to spend on, so please let us know with your actions and feedback where you feel there is good value, and what you’d like us to improve.

As a reminder, all money spent during Beta will be credited to your account as in-game balance once beta ends, as detailed in our updated Beta spend reimbursement plan: All real money you spent during Beta will be made available to you as a credit of in-game balance to spend in the shop after progress resets and transitions to post-Beta. For example, if you spent $9.99 during the Beta, when you access the in-game shop in post-Beta, you will see an additional payment method with a balance of at least $9.99 that you can use instead of real money to purchase whatever you wish from the in-game store. This one-time in-game balance will remain available to you as an alternative payment option until you have fully used up the balance. You will not receive any other credits or refunds for money spent during the Beta. Subject to rights implied by law.
  • Arclight Booster: We are happy with the play experience of the Arclight Booster and the tremendous value it offers throughout a player’s Arclight Rumble journey. We also want this to be accessible for players, and so we will be testing various price points for it.
  • Coin Chest: Coin Chests are currently capped at 2 per week and provide both a catch-up mechanism and a way for players to fill out their collections quickly if they are ready for more. We will be testing different weekly caps during this update.


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