Тема: Ролевая кампания Critical Role по вселенной Diablo на BlizzConline 2021  (Прочитано 2975 раз)

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В рамках развлекательных мероприятий BlizzConline 2021 участники Critical Role провели особое Dungeons & Dragons-приключение в тематике Diablo, отправив группу воителей исследовать слухи о пробуждении зла под руинами старого Тристрама.:cut:

В рамках шоу Critical Role пройдет приключение по вселенной Diablo, в котором группа воителей отправится расследовать слухи о пробуждении древнего зла под руинами Старого Тристрама.

The Cast
  • Matthew Mercer - Voice actor for several Blizzard characters including Rexxar, Rehgar, and Jesse McCree.
  • Laura Bailey - Voice actor for Jaina Proudmoore.
  • Liam O'Brien - Voice actor for Illidan Stormrage and Chi-Ji.
  • Marisha Ray - Voice actor for various characters in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands as well as other video game franchises.
  • Mica Burton - Former Broadcaster and Analysis for the OWL as well as co-host of the Critical Role show CritterHug.
  • Carlos Luna - Content Producer for Roll20.
The Characters
  • Matthew Mercer - Dungeon Master.
  • Mica Burton - Indra, a Wizard with a penchant for treasure hunting.
  • Laura Bailey - Remuil Volgrave, a Druid swarmed by insects.
  • Liam O'Brien - Morded, the Gaunt, a Crusader with the thirst to eliminate corruption.
  • Carlos Luna - Laslo, the Necromancer with a demon worm in his brain.
  • Marisha Ray - Tauro, the Demon Hunter, whose hometown is Tristram.
The Story So Far...

"In the World of Sanctuary, darkness carries far. The mortal realm between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. Life in these lands is ever a struggle, caught in the middle of this eternal conflict. The hearts of men fall easily to corruption and an ancient evil ever seeks to spill into this world to sow chaos and blanket the realm in fire and shadow. In a time of shallow peace, you've each set out to make your fortunes in the world, whether to combat the evil that lurks in every lightless space or to seek the answers to the countless forgotten mysteries that call out to the curious.

You've come together in finding common purpose against the plague of evils and made a name for yourselves in the region of Westmarch. Here, you found yourself summoned by a Horadric scholar called Deckard Cain. Under the dim call of candlelight, Deckard asked for your aid. 'Hello, my friends. I have heard of your great deeds already and find myself in need of others with such skills as yours. The home of my youth, the humble village of Tristram fell to flame and evil years ago. Abandoned the ruins of Tristram have since been nothing but ash and memories often target by looters and grave robbers. However, rumors swirl of something dark and violent stirring beneath the cathedral. And given the history of that place, I've a foreboding worry of what might be lingering there. I would ask you five to journey to the ruins of Tristram. Seek the source of these rumors and cleanse the cathedral of what terrors might reside below. I'd like to put the souls of those lost finally to rest.;

After braving days of freezing rain and the persistent rain that still haunts you, you finally reach the edge of the surrounding hills looking down into the ghastly echo of the village once known as Tristram. Walking through the mud and charred foundations of what you imagine was once a modest township, you can't help but imagine what horrors must have fallen upon the denizens. Slowly, your eyes fall upon the partially crumbled stone structure to the north, the Cathedral. You grasp at your weapons tightly as you enter the semi-fallen structure finding solace within from the rain. Stepping across the stone floor your vision skips from broken window to fallen candelabra until you find the staircase descending into the depths below . The shine catches your eye seeing a single gold coin resting atop the first stair. As you descend these steps into the first layer of the crypt below, what do they see..."
« Последнее редактирование: 21 Февраля, 2021, 13:24:29 by Wishko »


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  • альты..тысячи их
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Перевод от близов не ждать?
А зачем?
❤❤❤ Fun Mode - Королева Банши ❤❤❤


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  • Lucky!

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    • Имя: Оригами
    • Класс: Охотник на демонов
    • Сервер: Термоштепсель
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Очень интересная, кстати, трансляция была)) Видел мельком. Нужно бы посмотреть до конца ::)

Иногда на твиче натыкаешься на подобное и можно залипнуть не на один час...)

