Тема: Комментарии разработчиков об изменениях классов в бета-версии Dragonflight – 23 сентября  (Прочитано 4100 раз)

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Разработчики заканчивают активно трудиться над деревьями талантов и способностями классов в бета-версии Dragonflight, и опубликовали несколько новых сообщений, поблагодарив игроков за помощь и отзывы и рассказав о небольших корректировках для пробудителей "Хранителей", что появятся в следующей сборке.:cut:
  • Разработчики сообщают, что ввод новинок для классов и новых талантов подходит к концу и теперь они по большей части сосредоточатся на исправлении неполадок и балансировке уже реализованных новшеств и специализаций/классов в целом. Многие изменения были введены благодаря отзывам игроков и их участии в тестировании, за что разработчики очень благодарны сообществу. Далее по мере выпуска контентных обновлений для Dragonflight разработчики продолжат вводить новшества и улучшения системы талантов.
  • Разработчики учли жалобы игроков на то, что радиус в 25 м. слишком мал для исцеляющих и ситуативных умений пробудителей "Хранителей", поэтому в грядущей сборке он будет увеличен до 30 м. Время восстановления "Изумрудного дыхания" и "Призрачного цветка" будет увеличено, чтобы игроки меньше времени стояли стоя для их усиления, но мощь исцеления увеличится. Также игроки смогут быстрее начинать применять умения после "Бреющий полет". Все это позволит специализации остаться мобильной.
  • Все описанные выше изменения (кроме "Бреющего полета") не затронут пробудителей "Опустошения". Что до "Бреющего полета", разработчики не хотят позволять применять его прямо во время применения другого умения по ряду геймплейных и технических причин.
Dragonflight Class Design Progress

We feel it would be useful to let everyone know where we are in the development of Dragonflight classes and talent design. With the next Beta/PTR build, we’re transitioning away from spending the majority of our time on the design iteration of the new talent trees, and we’re now primarily focused on fixing bugs and tuning the game. This includes balancing talent choices against each other and tuning the throughput of each class. We want to ensure that we release an expansion of the highest quality for this incredible community.

That being said, the new talent systems constitute a tremendous change to the game and represent a fundamental overhaul to how classes and specializations are customized by players. It is our expectation that we will be making adjustments based on your feedback throughout the expansion’s lifetime. We greatly appreciate all of your testing and feedback thus far, and we’re looking forward to delivering improvements to all of the talent trees in content updates throughout Dragonflight.[Источник]

Feedback: Evokers

In the next beta build, we are making some updates to address concerns regarding Preservation Evoker’s healing range. We have been reading feedback and observing playtests, and agree that the 25 yard range is a little too prohibitive when combined with the frequent casting requirements of empower spells. To address this, we’re doing the following:
  • All of Preservation Evoker’s healing and utility spells will now be at 30 yards baseline.
  • The cooldowns for Dream Breath and Spiritbloom are being increased slightly, with Preservation’s overall healing efficacy being increased to compensate.
    • This should mean you have to stand still and cast empower spells less often, but when you do they will be more impactful, and your healing in-between those moments will also be more impactful.
  • Hover will now have a shorter lock-out time, so you can more quickly cast spells after using Hover.
We are interested in delivering on a mobile, mid-range healer. We want to make sure tools like Hover, Verdant Embrace, Echo, and Rescue are flexible and powerful enough to compensate for a lower range. Please continue testing and providing feedback, and let us know if these tools are working well alongside the changes above. We will continue to listen to feedback and make sure Evoker is a powerful and exciting new class to play!

Will Living Flame for Preservation have a 30 yard healing range, and a 25 yard damage range?

Living Flame’s range will be 30 yds for both the damage and healing effect, for Preservation.

Will Devastation also see a 30 yard range for its shared healing and utility spells, or will those remain at 25 yards?

All of Devastation’s spells, including Living Flame, will remain at 25 yd range (ones that are already higher, like Deep Breath and Time Spiral, are not changing). Raid frames will be updated for both specializations to show allies as out-of-range based on their primary range - frames will dim for Devastation when allies are more than 25 yds away, and they will dim for Preservation when allies are more than 30 yds away.

On a related note, the change to Hover’s lock-out time does apply to Devastation.

Empowered spells are not affected by haste. Is there a reason for this?

It is a bug that empower spells’ tooltips do not update their cast time to reflect haste. We’ve verified internally that empower spells are charging faster with haste, as intended.

Is there any consideration for letting us Hover mid-cast, and/or Hover cast Empowered spells?

We are not planning to make Hover castable while casting at this time, for a few reasons. Philosophically, activating an ability is a decision that should have some cost. Costs are an important part of what allow an ability to be both powerful & balanced. Costs also add depth, and the potential for skill growth: A player who has learned an encounter, or correctly identifies that an engagement is imminent in PvP, can plan when to activate Hover without disrupting their own spell flow, and thereby express mastery.

On the technical side, Hover requires you to be inputting a direction in order to determine which way your character dashes. Even if it were castable while casting, if a player wanted to dash sideways during Disintegrate, the game requires that they input a strafe command before casting Hover, and that movement input would cancel Disintegrate. Hover can be cast “in place” without causing a dash, but we feel that the disconnect there (being able to Hover-in-place, but not dash-Hover, while casting) is an unintuitive middle ground that would be frustrating for many.[Источник]
« Последнее редактирование: 24 Сентября, 2022, 18:16:08 by Wishko »


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    • Класс: Warlock
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Разработчики сообщают, что ввод новинок для классов и новых талантов подходит к концу и теперь они по большей части сосредоточатся на исправлении неполадок и балансировке уже реализованных новшеств и специализаций/классов в целом.
Хантов допилили, а других необязательно...

