Update on Dark Ascension:
The next build's version will no longer have the requirement that you be out of Voidform to cast it. The goal with that requirement in the original design was to prevent players from wasting/incorrectly using it during Voidform to extend Voidform a bit via the Insanity it generates.
Instead, with the next iteration, you can cast Dark Ascension at any time, and it activates a new Voidform, resetting your Insanity drain and Voidform stacks.
You'll also keep any Insanity you currently had, and Generate 50 more (pending tuning) to add to that. We considered it resetting your Insanity to 0, then generating 50 afterwards, but that meant you'd probably want to wait until Voidform is completely over before using Dark Ascension, which is counter to the design of the talent being both a flexible on-demand burst AOE and a way to enter/start a new Voidform whenever you choose.
К с2м 7.0 в пару бы такую штуку >_>
Dark Ascension Immediately activates Voidform. Cannot be used while in Voidform. Generates 30 a new Voidform, then releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, causing [ 160% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Generates 50 Insanity. Shadow Priest - Level 100 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
Близзард сказал - близзард сделал.
з.ы. Ожидал сопутствующие правки, да хотя б косметические, циферок -__-
апд. Подумал тут, а ведь новый талант 1 мин кд, бендер 1 мин. кд.
Такие пыщ-пыщ в войдформе, жмем ДА на условных 25 стаках, пускаем пушка на условных 15-20 стках, выпадаем из вф, набиваем 90, заходим, ..., жмем ДА на условных 25 стаках... Ну вы поняли, да?